
发布时间:2018-11-03 13:22
【摘要】:毛泽东哲学与马克思哲学一样是以“改变世界”为目的的实践哲学,而“改变世界”或改变中国就必须考虑实践的具体性和特殊性,即考虑中国现实环境中的各种复杂因素,需要一种关于实践或行为的明智考虑的理性能力——实践智慧。毛泽东实践哲学最集中的表现为将马克思主义在中国特殊而复杂的现实环境中如何付诸实践所需要的实践智慧,以及对这种实践智慧的理论自觉与反思。历史表明,毛泽东的这种实践智慧是马克思主义在中国实践取得成功以及实现中国化的重要因素。 由于马克思主义在现代中国的实践主要是政治革命和军事斗争,因而与此相应,毛泽东的实践智慧也就集中体现在政治和军事两大方面的活动及其著作中。就毛泽东的政治实践智慧来说,主要是关于中国革命性质、革命道路、统一战线、党的建设、新民主主义社会模式等问题上的智慧。在中国革命性质问题上,毛泽东从中国革命具体的实际环境出发,认为这场革命既不是资产阶级革命,也不是社会主义革命,而是新民主主义革命;在中国革命的道路问题上,毛泽东突破了传统的议会斗争道路和城市起义模式,根据中国革命的具体情况,走出了一条农村包围城市、武装夺取政权的特殊道路;在统一战线问题上,毛泽东匠心独运地提出了既统一又独立,既联合又斗争的方针;在党的建设问题上,毛泽东从中国共产党所处的特殊的社会历史环境和具体的革命现实环境出发,十分注重从思想上建党,采取了加强道德修养和整风运动以达到思想上建党的独特方式;在革命后建立一个什么样的社会问题上,毛泽东独具智慧地将其称为新民主主义社会,并制定了相应的既具有资本主义特色又具有社会主义因素的政治、经济和文化纲领。毛泽东的实践智慧还尤为突出的体现在他的军事智慧中。毛泽东的这种军事实践智慧,是对中国传统兵家智慧的继承和发展,它以冷静理性的态度、任智巧夺的精神和对辩证思维方式的运用为其运思特征,运思的焦点是夺利避害,争取主动,在总体上集中体现为在敌强我弱的情况下强调积极防御、主观能动性和人民战争的一整套弱者的战略战术。 毛泽东的实践智慧不仅体现在政治与军事等实践活动及其相关论著中,而且更深刻的表现为对马克思主义理论与中国革命具体实际相结合的理论自觉与反思,形成政治、军事等方面实践智慧的哲学升华与表达。这种反思与表达,建基于中国传统哲学思想资源之上,既是客观上的理论需要,也是主观上的兴趣使然。在经过了一段时间系统、集中地批读马克思主义的哲学著作之后,毛泽东的实践智慧升华为《实践论》和《矛盾论》的经典哲学表达,进而指向和凝练为一个马克思主义理论与中国实际相结合的核心命题——实事求是,,并进一步转化为矛盾分析、调查研究等“改变世界”的具体方法,实现了由世界观向方法论的转变。毛泽东实践智慧是我们研究和发展马克思主义哲学的典范,它所蕴含的实践的思维方式、理想与现实的张力关系等在当代仍然具有着重要的意义。
[Abstract]:Mao Zedong's philosophy is the same as Marx's philosophy "Changing the World" a philosophy of practice for the purpose, and "Changing the World" Or changing China must take into account the concreteness and particularity of practice, namely, considering various complex factors in the real environment of China, there is a need for a rational ability _ practical wisdom about the wisdom of practice or behavior. The most concentrated expression of Mao Zedong's practical philosophy is how to put Marxism into practical wisdom that needs to be put into practice in the special and complex realistic environment of China, as well as the theoretical consciousness and reflection on this practical wisdom. History shows that Mao Zedong's practical wisdom is an important factor for the success of Marxism in China's practice and the realization of China's sinicization. Because the practice of Marxism in modern China is mainly political revolution and military struggle, Mao Zedong's practical wisdom is reflected in the activities of political and military aspects as well as its activities. As for Mao Zedong's political practice wisdom, it is mainly about the Chinese revolutionary character, the revolutionary road, the united front, the party building, the new democratic society mode and so on. On the question of the nature of the Chinese revolution, Mao Zedong thought that the revolution was neither bourgeois revolution nor socialist revolution, but the new revolution of revolution in China's revolutionary character. On the subject, Mao Zedong made a breakthrough in the traditional struggle road and urban uprising mode. According to the specific situation of the Chinese revolution, Mao Zedong stepped out of a special road surrounding the city and armed with the power to seize power. In the united front issue, Mao Zedong put forward the unity and unity On the issue of Party building, Mao Zedong, from the special social and historical environment of the Communist Party of China and the concrete revolutionary realistic environment, pays great attention to the idea. To build the Party, we have adopted a unique way to strengthen the movement of the Party and the whole wind in order to achieve the thought of building the Party, and to establish what kind of social problems after the revolution, Mao Zedong's unique wisdom is called New Democracy The society and the corresponding political, economic and cultural factors that both have the characteristics of capitalism and socialism. Mao Zedong's practical wisdom is especially prominent in his military intelligence In Hui, the wisdom of Mao Zedong's military practice is the inheritance and development of the wisdom of Chinese traditional soldiers. It takes the spirit of calm and rational attitude, the spirit of wisdom and the use of dialectical thinking mode as its transportation features, and the focus of Yunsi is to take advantage of profit and avoid harm and strive for The initiative, in general, embodies the strategy of emphasizing positive defense, subjective initiative and the weak of the people's war in the weak situation of the enemy. Tactics. Mao Zedong's practical wisdom is not only reflected in the practice activities of politics and military, but also in the related works, and more profound is the theoretical consciousness and reflection on the combination of Marxism theory and the concrete practice of Chinese revolution. ..the philosophy of the practice of wisdom in terms of political, military, etc. sublimation and expression. This reflection and expression, based on the traditional Chinese philosophical thought resources, is both objective theory and subjective After a period of systematic and intensive reading of Marxist philosophy works, Mao Zedong's practical wisdom is sublimated to the classics of and "contradiction". The expression of classical philosophy, and then points to and condensed as a core proposition of combining Marxist theory with China's actual practice _ seeking truth from facts, and further transforming into conflict analysis. Investigation and research, etc. The concrete method of "changing the world" has realized the world view. The transformation of law theory. Mao Zedong's practical wisdom is the example of our research and development of Marxist philosophy, which contains the practice thinking mode, the ideal and the realistic tension relationship and so on.


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