
发布时间:2019-06-06 01:05
【摘要】:通过研究马克思主义中国化与中国伦理的历史变迁过程,全文的研究目的在于展现马克思主义中国化对中国伦理发展的作用和影响,总结马克思主义中国化对中国伦理影响的历史经验,提出中国特色社会主义伦理体系建设的基本路径,从而为中国特色社会主义事业提供良好的伦理环境和道德支撑。本文从中国社会发展的不同历史阶段出发,考察了马克思主义中国化对中国伦理发生作用的具体途径以及其具体内容的影响,进一步总结和分析由于马克思主义中国化影响中国伦理在不同历史阶段所呈现出的主要特征,勾勒出马克思主义中国化影响下中国伦理发展变迁的历史轨迹。 从内容结构上看,本文由导论、四章正文和结论总共六部分组成。导论部分主要是梳理中国伦理学研究的历史脉络和界定本文涉及的核心概念。 第一章介绍了在马克思主义中国化之前,中国传统伦理的晚期阶段——具体内容、总体特征和衰落历史过程。从社会伦理、政治伦理、经济伦理、家庭伦理和个体道德等具体伦理分析来看,中国传统伦理的本质是一种封建主义性质的伦理。中国传统伦理的总体特征在主体维度表现为自然主义和缺乏主体性的特点,价值维度呈现出整体主义的和谐特点,内容维度形成了以美德伦理为主的内容特征,实践层面体现出注重实践的伦理传统和直觉主义特点。中国传统伦理的衰落过程实际上表现了在外国资本主义侵略下,中国封建主义统治秩序的日渐腐朽和衰颓。 第二章分析了新民主主义革命时期马克思主义中国化对中国伦理的影响。新民主主义革命中,马克思主义的伦理思想开始和中国革命实践相结合,极大地改变了中国传统伦理中的社会伦理、政治伦理、经济伦理、家庭伦理和个体道德等各个方面。中国伦理在马克思主义中国化的影响下发生了历史性的变迁,集中表现为在新民主主义革命的作用下,中国伦理开始生成人民主体;伦理价值从追求整体和谐到崇尚革命斗争;伦理内容完成了由个人美德到阶级功利的转变;伦理实践由个人德行的直觉式实践转变为自觉理性式实践。 第三章考察了社会主义建设初期马克思主义中国化对中国伦理影响。社会主义建设初期,马克思主义中国化以社会主义革命和建设为历史主题,以计划经济体制为背景、以群众运动为具体途径对中国社会伦理、政治伦理、经济伦理、家庭伦理和个体道德再一次产生了重要影响,其结果是使马克思主义伦理观成为中国伦理的主要内容。但是,这时期对人民主体地位和作用的认识仍有不足,在伦理价值方面呈现出崇尚阶级斗争的特点,在伦理内容上将阶级功利和个人美德相结合,伦理实践上将社会主义革命建设与共产主义道德实践相结合。 第四章研究了改革开放以来马克思主义中国化对中国伦理的影响及变化。改革开放以来,中国特色社会主义实践使得社会发展呈现出多元化和制度化的发展趋势,使人们由计划经济下的“单位人”转变为市场经济下的“社会人”。相应地,马克思主义中国化开始以文化引领和制度规范的新途径对中国伦理发生作用,主要表现为通过社会主义先进文化引领人们的思想认识,通过制度规定约束人们的行为。中国特色社会主义理论体系中所蕴含的新伦理观构成了中国伦理的新内容,并且,通过党的一系列方针、政策等形式使这些新伦理观落实于具体制度,形成了人们的价值共识,落实为人们的实践活动。伦理主体层面,人民主体的地位和作用不断增强,伦理内容方面形成了真正意义上的应用伦理,伦理价值追求由斗争转为和谐,伦理实践出现了制度化特征。 结论部分主要是对马克思主义中国化对中国伦理影响进行了理论思考和经验总结。研究认为马克思主义中国化根据不同历史阶段上的时代主题,形成了不同时期的理论认识和实践内容,赋予中国伦理发展以相应的时代特点。特别地,中国伦理发展必须注意五个问题,一是处理好中华民族传统与民主科学要求之间的关系;二是坚持和完善中国共产党的领导,不断促进人民主体性的发展;三是科学推进马克思主义中国化的发展,以增强马克思主义中国化对中国伦理影响的正能量;四是根据时代发展和国情需要发展中国特色社会主义伦理体系;五是推进中国特色社会主义制度基础上的“和谐伦理”建设。
[Abstract]:The purpose of the study is to show the role and influence of the sinicization of Marxism on the development of China's ethics, and to sum up the historical experience of the Chinese ethicization on the Chinese ethics. This paper puts forward the basic path of the construction of the socialist ethical system with Chinese characteristics, so as to provide a good ethical environment and moral support for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. From the different historical stages of China's social development, this paper investigates the concrete way of the Chinese ethicization to the Chinese ethics and its specific content. This paper further summarizes and analyzes the main characteristics of the Chinese ethics in different historical stages due to the sinicization of Marxism, and outlines the historical track of the change of Chinese ethical development under the influence of the sinicization of Marxism. From the content structure, this paper is divided into six groups: introduction, four-body and conclusion The main part of the introduction is to sort out the historical context of Chinese ethics research and to define the core of the article. The first chapter introduces the late stage _ concrete content, the general character and the decline of Chinese traditional ethics before the sinicization of Marxism. From the specific ethical analysis of social ethics, political ethics, economic ethics, family ethics and individual morality, the essence of Chinese traditional ethics is a kind of feudal character The general characteristic of Chinese traditional ethics is the characteristic of naturalism and the lack of subjectivity in the main dimension, and the value dimension shows the harmonious characteristic of the whole, and the content dimension forms the inner part with virtue ethics as the main The characteristic and the practical level embody the practice-oriented ethics tradition and the intuition. The decline of Chinese traditional ethics actually shows that under the aggression of foreign capitalism, China's feudal rule is becoming more and more corrupt. The second chapter analyses the Chinese characteristics of Marxism in the new period of revolution in China In the new democratic revolution, the thought of Marxism and the combination of Chinese revolutionary practice greatly changed the social ethics, political ethics, economic ethics, family ethics and individual morality in Chinese traditional ethics. The Chinese ethics has taken a historical change under the influence of the sinicization of Marxism, and it is concentrated on the formation of the people's main body under the influence of the new democratic revolution, and the ethical value is from the pursuit of the whole to the harmonious development. The revolutionary struggle; the ethical content has completed the transformation from the individual virtue to the class utility; the ethical practice is changed from the intuitive practice of the individual moral line to the self-consciousness The third chapter examines the sinicization of Marxism in the early stage of socialist construction. On the basis of the socialist revolution and the construction of the socialist revolution and the construction as the historical theme, in the early stage of the socialist construction, the Chinese social ethics, politics, Ethics, economic ethics, family ethics and individual morality have an important effect once more, and the result is to make the Marxist ethics become China The main content of the ethics is, however, the recognition of the status and role of the people in the period is still insufficient, and the ethical value has the characteristics of advocating class struggle, and the class utility and the class utility in the content of the ethics. The Combination of Individual Virtue and the Construction of the Socialist Revolution and the Communism in the Ethical Practice; The fourth chapter is the combination of the moral practice. The fourth chapter is the study of China's China's Marxism in China since The influence and change of the national ethics. Since the reform and opening-up, the socialist practice with Chinese characteristics has made the development of the society more diversified and institutionalized, so that the "unit" under the planned economy is transformed into the "trunk" under the market economy. On the other hand, the Chinese ethics has played an important role in the development of the new approach of the culture-leading and institutional norms in China, which is mainly manifested as the leading people's ideological understanding through the socialist advanced culture, and through the system The new ethics concept contained in the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics constitutes the new content of Chinese ethics, and the new ethics is put into practice in the specific system through a series of policies, policies and so on. It is the practice activity of people. The main level of the ethics, the status and function of the people's main body are constantly strengthened, and the ethical content has formed the real sense of the application ethics. The ethical value pursuit is transformed from the struggle to the harmony and the ethics is real. The conclusion is mainly about the influence of the sinicization of Marxism on the Chinese ethics. In this paper, the theoretical thinking and the experience summary are given. The study is of the view that the sinicization of Marxism is based on the theme of the times in different historical stages, and the theoretical recognition and practical contents of different periods are formed, and the Chinese people are given to China. In particular, the development of Chinese ethics must pay attention to five problems, one is to deal with the relationship between the Chinese traditional and democratic scientific requirements, the second is to adhere to and improve the leadership of the Communist Party of China, to continuously promote the development of the people's subjectivity, and the third is to promote the science. The development of the sinicization of Marxism in order to enhance the positive energy of the sinicization of Marxism to the Chinese ethics; and fourthly, to develop the socialist ethics system with Chinese characteristics according to the development of the times and the national conditions;


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