[Abstract]:In Marx's works, the theory of social Noumenon has never been clearly put forward, but in Marx's classical social development theory, the motive force of social development, the law of social development and the succession of social forms are studied. All of them can make us feel Marx's great attention to human beings in the study of social history. According to the characteristics of the times, this paper tries to explain what is society and how to build our society from the aspect of Noumenon through the study of Marx's theory of social history. Deeply explain and explore the thought of people-oriented social ontology in Marxist philosophy. The existence of human beings is the first premise of social history. Society is an organic whole composed of people as its most basic unit and the relationship between people. At the same time, the existence of human beings is also the ultimate factor of social life. People are the bearers of productive labor practice, and the development of social history is realized by people who take the initiative to pursue a certain purpose. Man should be the Noumenon of social development, and the ultimate goal of social development is to realize the all-round development of human beings. Therefore, this paper attempts to explain Marx's main thought on social Noumenon from the perspective of people-oriented. It also discusses its significance to the development of today's society, and the thought of social ontology discussed in this paper is also the ideological point of view of exploring the Noumenon of society.
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