[Abstract]:Lenin led the socialist construction of the Soviet Union in the late period. He not only vigorously carried out the economic reform with the "new economic policy" as the core, but also judged the situation and advocated the comprehensive reform in the fields of the party's leadership system, discipline inspection and supervision system, legal system construction and cultural construction. These important thoughts and practices originate from Lenin's continuous exploration and summary of the construction of socialism in backward countries, have a strong sense of reform, are not confined to Marx and Engels' original words and sentences, and do not lie on the achievements of past experience. He pays attention to proceeding from reality, is good at summing up experiences and lessons, has the courage to reflect and bear responsibility, soberly understands the arduous complexity, systematicness and urgency of reform, and strives to improve his understanding of building socialism in backward countries. These brilliant thoughts and exploration and innovation in the late Lenin have very important enlightenment for us to carry out the thought and strategic plan of "four comprehensiveness" in the new period, to further promote reform and opening up and to build socialism with Chinese characteristics in an all-round way.
【作者单位】: 中共上海市委党校发展研究院;
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