[Abstract]:The gradual increase of the environmental crisis threatens the survival and development of human beings. In this background, it is of great theoretical and practical value to study Engels' environmental sense of justice. Engels' environmental sense of justice draws on the rational composition of the ancient Greek philosopher and the German classical philosopher's sense of justice, and inherits and develops Marx's thought of environmental justice, and its development course is gradually perfected and mature with the establishment of the historical materialism of Engels. In addition, Engels put the angle of view in the capitalist society, and closely combined with the reflection of the environmental problems of the capitalist society, and made a profound exposition of how to achieve the reconciliation of the people and the nature. Engels' environmental justice thought not only changed the traditional philosophy about the concept of man and nature, but also put forward the goal of harmony between man and nature in the process of the fierce criticism of the capitalist mode of production and the private ownership of capitalism. The direction and approach are identified for the realization of the harmonious coexistence of people and the environment. The contemporary value of Engles' environmental justice thought mainly focuses on three problems: first, Engels' "factual" and "value" of environmental justice can be based on the dialectical unity of the two in the background of the background; secondly, the "historic" and the "contemporary nature" of Engels' environmental justice thought should be clarified. In order to find out how to find the balance between them in the background of multi-change, it is possible to provide the thinking direction for finding the vitality of the thought of the environmental justice of Engles based on the current environmental practices of our country. In that present study, as the object of Engles's environmental justice, in the whole grasp of historical materialism, from the theoretical source, the practical foundation and the theory, three dimensions are set forth on the theory of the environmental justice of Engels, and the tension between the human environment freedom and the environmental equality is taken as a stand. Through the development of Engels' environmental justice thought, the main elements, the basic characteristics and the realization way, the system of the systematic and systematic Engels' environmental justice thought was constructed. On the basis of this, based on the development of ecological Marxism, organic Marxism and green politics to Engels' environmental justice thought, in order to promote the construction of ecological civilization in China, to strengthen the fairness and justice of environmental governance in China, Practice the concept of green shared development and the direction of building the community of destiny. The environmental freedom is mainly reflected in the human being in the face of the natural environment, how to realize the natural law by recognizing and utilizing the natural law, so as to achieve more free rights, which is a problem that human beings have to solve. In this matter, Engels combined the human freedom with the objective necessity, and by thinking about the relationship between man and nature, the key to freedom is the "to control our own and external nature based on the understanding of the inevitability of nature", which also reflects the thought of Engels' pursuit of environmental freedom. Engels thought that to solve the dilemma between man and nature, it is necessary to clear the direction fundamentally, that is, to realize the "two reconciliation". On the one hand, to realize the "the reconciliation of man and nature", that is, to achieve the good interaction between man and nature by regulating the production activity of its own material, to achieve the harmony and unification of both human and nature on the basis of the practice, and to provide the possibility for the realization of the justice of the natural environment. On the other hand, to solve the dilemma between man and nature, it is also necessary to realize the "the reconciliation of man and himself". After the mankind has obtained the environmental freedom in the process of transforming the natural environment, how to distribute the environmental right and bear the environmental obligations fairly and equally, all of these questions need to be answered in theory. Engels thought that to solve these problems, we need to change the existing and unequal mode of production and its related superstructure, so as to achieve the equality of the environment. This study mainly adopts the literature research method, the problem-type research method and the multi-disciplinary comprehensive research method. On the basis of the relevant literature, the source, construction, development and contemporary value of Engles' environmental justice thought are discussed in combination with the knowledge and method of philosophy, ethics, economics, political science and so on, and the comprehensive and scientific nature of the research is effectively improved. In addition, on the basis of combing the development of the theory of environmental justice in Engles, the paper creatively put forward the view that the thought of the environmental justice of Engles mainly focuses on the tension between the freedom of the human environment and the equality of the environment.
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