本文关键词:全球人口干预与“新的中国选择”——超越“全面两孩”政策的思考 出处:《人口研究》2016年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 人口政策 生殖健康 计划生育 人口干预 全面两孩
[Abstract]:Based on a global perspective, published by the United Nations and other organizations of the policy of population and reproductive health / family planning data, the overall trend and characteristics of the international community on population regulation and policy intervention, and on the basis of the reform and development of the future China family planning was thinking, found that over the past 30 years, the population growth. The fertility level, aging, all areas of reproductive health / family planning and the rural-urban migration of the population policy, the number of countries and take the proportion of the world's stance are in sharp decline, population intervention is the world trend of the times. More than 90% countries or regions of the world are in the practice of family planning, to show it practice of universality, inclusiveness and strong vitality. Reproductive health promotion greatly enrich and expand the traditional practice of family planning. China family planning policy based on population The distinction of the concept, the integration of services, the "peripheral" policy support and the promotion of the "substantive" role of the social organization to promote innovation and innovation.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心;中国人民大学社会与人口学院;
【正文快照】: Authors:Liu Shuang is Professor,Center for Population and Development Studies,Renmin Univer-sity of China,Email:liushuang@ruc.edu.cn;Zhu Yu is Ph D Candidate,and Zheng Lan is MasterStudent,School of Sociology and Population Studies,Renmin University of C
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