本文选题:农村流动人口 切入点:本地化 出处:《学海》2017年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The rural floating population has not only the problem of citizenship, but also the problem of localization. This paper discusses the localization problem from the perspective of regional division, and considers that the most fundamental factor that hinders localization is the regional social system, which mainly consists of three kinds of concrete social systems. That is, the profit-oriented production system, the separated consumption system and the disequilibrium public service system. The profit-oriented production system (especially the split labor system) has made the rural floating population lose the basis of localization, because under this production system, They can not obtain stable employment in the floating land, nor can they effectively deal with the means of production and the means of livelihood of the outflow land, the profit-oriented production system determines the separated consumption system, and the latter strengthens the former. The unbalanced public service system strengthens and consolidates the separate consumption system and the profit-oriented production system. The reason why the local government does not bring the rural floating population into its consumption system is mainly due to the consideration of the cost of public service. On the other hand, the profit-oriented production system provides support for unbalanced public services. On the contrary, the latter further strengthens and intensifies the former. The crux behind this is the financial management system of our country. The local governments are unwilling to bear the local costs of rural floating population, which has resulted in three kinds of systems that hinder localization. Therefore, reform of the existing financial system and establishment of an open social system adapted to the free movement and migration of population. It is urgent and important.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院社会学所;
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