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发布时间:2018-03-31 06:21

  本文选题:人口政策 切入点:法律解析 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2011年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between our current population policy and population law, and to analyze the content of our current population policy in detail based on the law.This paper summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of population policy for population management and population development, and puts forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions on how to solve the shortcomings of population policy.This paper first introduces the concept of population policy, the types of population policy, and briefly describes the ancient, modern and modern history of population policy.This paper states the difference and relation between the current population policy of our country and the population law of our country, then through the stipulation of the population law, expounds the concrete content of the current population policy of our country one by one, and carries on the analysis and the appraisal to the present population policy of our country.The population policy of our country mainly embodies in four aspects: controlling the population quantity, improving the quality of the population, improving the population structure and the population policy of the minority nationalities, including the macroscopical measures and the specific methods of controlling the population quantity.To improve the quality of the population, we should pay attention to the comprehensive quality of the population and how to improve the population structure. The improvement of the population structure includes regional structure, age structure, gender structure, the difference of the population policy of ethnic minorities and so on.Finally, under the above policy elaboration, summarizes our country population policy insufficiency, including has excessively restricted the population mobility, excessively limits the population quantity and the development, thus has brought a series of social problems,In view of the above defects, the paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions, that is, through the reform of household registration, we can balance the restriction of population mobility of our country's population policy.To implement the policy of opening up two children and to solve the problems of population aging and gender imbalance caused by excessive restriction of population, the population policy and population law of our country tend to be perfected, and the management and development of population can be better promoted.


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