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发布时间:2018-04-11 07:15

  本文选题:从业人口 + 空间结构 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文以上海市从业人口为研究对象,以1996年第一次基本单位普查和2008年第二次经济普查各街道镇的数据为基础,通过ArcGIS的空间分析和空间统计功能对上海市从业人口的分布变化进行研究,并对研究结果以表格、专题地图和方位图的形式予以输出。研究的内容及发现主要有以下几个方面: 一、上海市从业人口的空间分布,与居住人口的空间分布基本相同,呈现出中心城核心区密度最高、由此向中心城边缘区、近郊区、远郊区依次降低的分布模式;中心城区与郊区密度差异巨大,上海城市的经济活动仍主要集中于大致离市中心20千米以内的区域。 二、上海市从业人口空间结构的变化主要以同心圆的圈层式向外扩散,从业人口分布的重心向西南方向偏移,从业人口密度变动曲线的相交点在10千米处,总体表现为中心城区与郊区之间的分布差异缩小,呈现出均衡化变动趋势。 三、上海市从业人口分布高密度范围不断缩小,中密度范围不断扩大。从业人口分布高峰密度区由集中走向分化,上海已由人民广场及其周围地区单中心结构逐步演变成为人民广场和徐家汇、陆家嘴一大、两小三个中心。 四、从相对分布强度看,以地方专业化指数来衡量,第二产业从业人口地方专业化指数,随离城市中心距离的增大而逐步升高,而第三产业则相反。在距城市中心8公里范围内,三产地方专业化指数远大于二产;8-13公里范围是二产逐步超过三产该指数的临界范围,对比1996年和2008年,临界圈大约外移5公里左右,即第三产业在中心城区相对集聚增强;13-23公里范围,二产专业化指数开始高于三产,逐步表现出第二产业的相对强势及第三产业的相对弱势,表明第二产业在郊区的专业化程度强化;而在23公里以外范围,二产、三产的地方专业化指数都基本保持平稳,形成二产高、三产低的格局。 五、利用多中心函数模型对上海市从业人口的空间分布进行模拟,从拟合优度上看,都在0.8以上,而且2008年相对于1996年,能够成为中心的数目也在增加,说明多中心特征在全市范围内更加明显。
[Abstract]:Based on the data of the first basic unit census in 1996 and the second economic census in 2008, this paper takes the working population of Shanghai as the research object.The spatial analysis and spatial statistical functions of ArcGIS are used to study the distribution and change of the working population in Shanghai. The results are output in the form of tables, thematic maps and azimuth maps.The contents and findings of the study are as follows:First, the spatial distribution of the employed population in Shanghai is basically the same as that of the resident population, showing the highest density of the core area of the central city, and the distribution pattern of decreasing in turn to the marginal region of the central city, the near suburb and the far suburb;The density of urban center and suburb is very different, and the economic activity of Shanghai is still concentrated in the area within 20 kilometers from the center of the city.Second, the changes in the spatial structure of the working population in Shanghai mainly spread out in concentric circles, the center of gravity of the distribution of the employed population shifted to the southwest, and the intersection point of the density change curve of the working population was 10 km.The overall performance is that the distribution difference between the central urban area and the suburb shrinks, showing a trend of equalization.Third, the high-density distribution of Shanghai's working population continues to narrow and the medium-density range continues to expand.The peak density area of working population has changed from concentration to differentiation, and Shanghai has gradually evolved from the single center structure of people's Square and its surrounding area into people's Square and Xujiahui, Lujiazui one big and two small three centers.Fourth, judging from the relative distribution intensity, the local specialization index of the second industry employment population increases with the increase of the distance from the city center, but the tertiary industry is opposite.Within a distance of 8 km from the city center, the local specialization index of the third industry is much larger than the range of 8-13 kilometers for the second industry, which gradually exceeds the critical range of the index for the third industry. Compared with 1996 and 2008, the critical circle moved about 5 kilometers out of the country.That is to say, the tertiary industry is relatively concentrated in the central urban area within a range of 13-23 kilometers, and the secondary specialization index is beginning to be higher than that of the third industry, which gradually shows the relative strength of the secondary industry and the relative weakness of the third industry.It indicated that the specialization degree of the secondary industry in the suburbs was strengthened, and the local specialization index of the second and third industries remained stable in the range of 23 kilometers, forming a pattern of high and low secondary and third industries.Fifth, using the multi-center function model to simulate the spatial distribution of the working population in Shanghai, both of them are above 0.8 in terms of goodness of fit, and the number of centers that can become centers in 2008 compared with 1996 is also increasing.It shows that the multi-center feature is more obvious in the whole city.


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