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发布时间:2018-04-12 07:44

  本文选题:总和生育率 + 超低生育率 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2012年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the last decade or so, the phenomenon of ultra-low fertility has attracted worldwide attention as a new demographic phenomenon, according to a study by the United Nations population Division.Countries now at moderate fertility levels expect negative population growth by the middle of the century.In the near future, not only developed countries, but also more and more developing countries will face the problem of ultra-low fertility.As the most populous country on earth, the emergence of ultra-low fertility rate should be paid more attention to.The theme of this paper is the phenomenon of ultra-low fertility rate. The background, current situation and characteristics of this phenomenon are summarized and summarized. On this basis, combined with the previous research results,This paper analyzes the challenges brought by the phenomenon of ultra-low fertility rate to the population development of our country, and probes into the ways to solve this phenomenon from the aspects of population policy and population planning.The main contents of this paper include four parts: the first part is the discussion of several basic concepts related to fertility and related theories.The basic concepts are the general fertility rate, the total fertility rate, the replacement level and the ultra-low fertility rate. The first few concepts are common in demographics, and the last ultra-low fertility rate is a relatively new concept.It is also the most important of several concepts.The related theories are the classical theory of population transition and the theory of low fertility trap.The second part discusses the history of fertility level changes since the founding of the people's Republic of China, and a new population phenomenon in the period of low fertility level-ultra-low fertility rate.The third part is to analyze the influence of the extremely low fertility rate phenomenon on the population development of our country.Fertility, as one of the most important aspects of natural population change, will affect the population size, population structure and other demographic elements.Fertility levels, first, have a direct impact on the size of the population and are one of the important determinants of population growth or negative population growth; secondly, they have an impact on the sex and age structure of the population.The sex ratio of population and the aggravation of population aging have direct or indirect relation with fertility level.The fourth part is the conclusion.This part mainly discusses and explains how to pay attention to the phenomenon of ultra-low fertility rate and how to solve the problem of ultra-low fertility rate from the point of view of population development security in China.


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