本文选题:生育模式 + 生育水平 ; 参考:《中国人口科学》2017年06期
[Abstract]:Referring to the research methods and ideas of the existing death patterns, this paper explores the changing law of the discrete trend of the population fertility pattern in China through the comparison between the countries and regions, and clarifies the main differences between it and the fertility level transformation. In order to reveal the Chinese population fertility behavior of the substantive transformation process. The study found that the discrete trend of fertility patterns in China was relatively stable before 2005: it lagged behind both the general law of fertility pattern transformation in developed countries and regions and the process of fertility transformation in China. The discrete trend of fertility patterns in China has rapidly reached the level of developed countries and regions, which reflects the diversification of fertility behavior in China. This shows that it was only about 10 years after China's fertility level dropped to a low fertility level that the fertility pattern basically reached a substantial match with the low fertility level. It also means that China's low fertility level after 2005 is more likely to be a true reflection of childbearing intention of women of childbearing age. With the further transformation of fertility model, there is still a risk of fertility decline in China in the long term.
【作者单位】: 华中科技大学社会学院;
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