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发布时间:2018-06-17 21:34

  本文选题:计划生育 + 机构 ; 参考:《安徽医科大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 目的:全面、系统地评估安徽省农村计划生育技术服务机构基础建设及服务提供现状,为相关部门政策的制定提供循证依据,并就存在的关键问题提出探索性的建议。 方法:本研究通过大量的文献复习和深入的理论分析,确定课题研究方案和测量工具。采用信函调查收集资料,分别在皖北和皖中各随机抽取6个县、皖南随机抽取7个县,共计19个县作为信函调查现场,由安徽省计划生育委员会拟定文件一份,连同调查表及填写说明一起寄到所选调查县计划生育委员会,由其负责组织调查辖区内全部县、乡两级计划生育技术服务机构。各计划生育技术服务机构将填好的调查表盖上单位印章,交到当地县计划生育委员会,统一寄回安徽省计划生育委员会。共完整回收19个县的17个县级计划生育技术服务机构和336个乡镇计划生育技术服务机构资料。调查获得资料通过Epidata3.0建立数据库录入,使用SPSS11.5软件包进行统计分析与处理。 结果: 1.基础设施建设情况:安徽省农村计划生育技术服务机构基础设施建设投入不足,业务用房面积尚未达到国家要求的设置标准,并存在大面积危房;一些科室(如药具室、医学影像室、心电图室等)设置率较低,设置床位数和药品配备种类不足;仪器设备配备率不高,设备更新速度比较慢。2.人力资源配置情况:安徽省农村计划生育技术服务机构专业技术人员,特别是具备执业资格的技术人员数量不足,整体素质不高,学历、职称结构不合理。3.相关服务提供情况:(1)县、乡两级计划生育技术服务机构均能提供避孕节育、优生优育、生殖保健等一系列基本服务。(2)县级计划生育技术服务机构化验检查服务开展比例较高,乡镇机构开展比例较低。(3)县、乡两级计划生育技术服务机构均一定程度地开展了生殖健康综合防治、男性生殖健康和青少年与生殖健康等优质工程服务项目,但各项服务活动开展并不均衡;出生缺陷干预项目中优生遗传检测(PCR)活动开展比例较低;避孕知情选择及副反应防治项目相关活动开展比例较高。 结论:随着经济社会的发展、医学模式的转变以及人口计生战略的发展,农村计划生育技术服务机构也面临诸多问题和困难。鉴于安徽省农村计划生育技术服务体系存在的问题,建议:1.加大政府投入力度,加强农村计划生育技术服务机构基础设施建设,改善计划生育服务条件。2.提高专业技术人员业务水平和素质,推进计划生育人员队伍职业化建设。3.针对群众需求,进一步拓展计划生育服务领域。4.计卫联手,充分发挥计生部门的网络和卫生部门的人才、技术优势,共同做好农村计划生育和公共卫生工作。5.彰显自身特色,加大计划生育宣传力度,提高自身竞争力。
[Abstract]:Objective: to comprehensively and systematically evaluate the infrastructure construction and service provision of rural family planning technical service institutions in Anhui province, provide evidence-based basis for the formulation of relevant departments' policies, and put forward exploratory suggestions on the key problems. Methods: through a large amount of literature review and in-depth theoretical analysis, the research project and measurement tools were determined. A letter survey was used to collect data, 6 counties were randomly selected from each of the northern and middle Anhui provinces, 7 counties were randomly selected from the south of Anhui Province, a total of 19 counties were selected as the correspondence investigation site, and a document was drawn up by the Anhui Provincial Family Planning Commission. Send it to the family planning committee of the selected county together with the questionnaire and the explanation, and be responsible for organizing the technical service organization of family planning in all counties and townships in the investigation area. Each family planning technical service organization will complete the questionnaire to affix the unit seal, hand over to the local county family planning committee, unifies sends to the Anhui Province family planning committee. A total of 17 county-level family planning technical service institutions and 336 township family planning technical service agencies were recovered in 19 counties. The data were recorded by Epidata 3.0. SPSS 11.5 software package was used for statistical analysis and processing. Results: 1. Infrastructure construction situation: Anhui Province rural family planning technical service organization infrastructure construction investment is insufficient, the service room area does not meet the national requirement setting standard, and exists the large area dangerous house; some departments (such as medicine and equipment room, etc.) The setting rate of medical imaging room, electrocardiogram room and so on) is low, the number of beds set and the kinds of medicine equipment are insufficient, the equipment is not high, and the speed of equipment renewal is relatively slow. 2. Allocation of human resources: Anhui Province rural family planning technical service institutions professional and technical personnel, especially with the number of qualified technical personnel, the overall quality is not high, academic qualifications, professional title structure is unreasonable. 3. Provision of related services: 1) Counties and townships at the two levels of family planning technical services can provide a series of basic services, such as contraception, birth control, eugenics, reproductive health care, etc.) the proportion of laboratory examination services provided by county-level family planning technical services is relatively high. Township and township organizations have carried out a relatively low proportion of high-quality engineering services such as comprehensive control of reproductive health, male reproductive health, and adolescent and reproductive health in counties and at the township and township levels, as well as technical services for family planning. However, the service activities were not balanced; the proportion of eugenic genetic testing (PCR) activities in birth defect intervention project was low; the proportion of contraceptive informed choice and side effects prevention and control project activities was higher. Conclusion: with the development of economy and society, the transformation of medical model and the development of population and family planning strategy, rural family planning technical service institutions also face many problems and difficulties. In view of the problems existing in the technical service system of rural family planning in Anhui Province, it is suggested that 1: 1. Increase government input, strengthen infrastructure construction of rural family planning technical service institutions, and improve family planning service conditions. We will improve the professional level and quality of professional and technical personnel and promote the professionalization of family planning personnel. To meet the needs of the masses, further expand the field of family planning services. Planning and health work together to give full play to the network of family planning departments and the health sector personnel, technical advantages, to jointly do a good job in rural family planning and public health work .5. Highlight oneself characteristic, increase family planning propaganda dynamics, improve oneself competitive power.


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中国重要报纸全文数据库 前10条

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3 通讯员 张晖;侯马市计生宣传气氛浓[N];临汾日报;2009年

4 彭书凤;情倾计生[N];团结报;2011年

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中国博士学位论文全文数据库 前10条

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3 梅军;濒危的家园[D];中央民族大学;2011年

4 洪娜;中国计划生育利益导向政策研究[D];华东师范大学;2011年

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6 徐剑;中国人口政策效果分析[D];吉林大学;2010年

7 蒋若凡;人口发展政府治理研究[D];西南财经大学;2010年

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9 张觇宇;形状记忆输卵管避孕器材料的研制及应用基础研究[D];第三军医大学;2008年

10 苏建明;可持续发展视野下的四川生育政策研究[D];西南财经大学;2010年

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1 窦燕;安徽省农村计划生育技术服务机构基础建设及服务提供现状研究[D];安徽医科大学;2010年

2 牟宇峰;上海市宝山区流动人口计划生育公共服务研究[D];华东师范大学;2010年

3 高莹莹;优化人力资源视角下的基层人口计生系统培训需求分析[D];昆明医学院;2010年

4 董晓庆;嵌入性视角下的流动人口计划生育管理研究[D];济南大学;2011年

5 唐国荣;浅谈我国计划生育立法的完善[D];苏州大学;2010年

6 宋利翱;农村计划生育养老保险建设研究[D];长春工业大学;2011年

7 李丹丹;枣庄市计划生育依法行政问题研究[D];山东大学;2011年

8 罗开梅;三都水族自治县计生奖扶政策实施效果分析[D];贵州民族学院;2010年

9 尹军彩;计划生育工作中政策工具的选择与优化研究[D];湖南大学;2011年

10 刘井山;湖南省计划生育利益导向机制现状调查及发展对策研究[D];湖南师范大学;2012年




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