本文选题:农村 + 老年人 ; 参考:《北京交通大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 人口老龄化是当今中国面临的一个严峻问题。在农村,由于社会保障体制的不健全,子女是老年人养老的重要依靠。与子女居住在一起,老年人可以得到子女在生活照料、情感慰藉等方面更直接的赡养。因此,老年人与子女之间的居住安排既折射了老年人对养老保障的需求,也对老年人的福利有重要影响。本文使用“中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS) "数据考察了影响农村老年人居住安排的因素。实证分析发现,健康状况差、日常生活能力(ADL)差和丧偶的农村老年人更可能与子女一起居住;而是否有独立的经济收入对农村老年人的居住安排并没有显著影响。这说明,老年人与子女居住在一起,主要是获得子女的贴身照料或情感慰藉,而不是获得经济上的赡养和支持。本文还比较了不同年龄段的老年人其居住安排影响因素的差异,并考察了居住意愿在决定居住安排中的作用。另外,本文发现,农村老年人居住安排存在着显著的“同群效应”。当前,计划生育政策导致家庭规模大幅度缩小,劳动力大规模流动频繁,农村地区数以亿计的青壮年离家外出、进城务工。这都导致了家庭养老资源的萎缩。与此同时,我国老年人照料服务远远不能满足老年人的需求,还没有形成适应经济社会发展水平、应对老龄化挑战的老年人照料服务体系。在这样的背景下,健全农村地区的养老体制,推进老年人照料服务和助老敬老事业的发展,实现家庭养老、社区照料和机构养老的有机结合,具有十分重要的意义。
[Abstract]:Population aging is a severe problem facing China today. In rural areas, due to the imperfect social security system, children are the important support for the aged. Living with their children, the elderly can receive more direct support from their children in life care, emotional comfort, etc. Therefore, the living arrangements between the elderly and their children not only reflect the needs of the elderly for old-age security, but also have an important impact on the welfare of the elderly. Using the data of China Health and Old-Age tracking Survey (CHARLS), this paper investigates the factors that affect the living arrangements of the rural elderly. The empirical analysis found that the poor health status, poor daily living ability (ADL) and widowed rural elderly are more likely to live with their children, but whether there is an independent economic income has no significant impact on the living arrangements of the rural elderly. This shows that the elderly live with their children mainly to receive close care or emotional comfort, rather than financial support and support. This paper also compares the difference of the influencing factors of the living arrangement among the elderly in different age groups, and examines the role of residence intention in determining the living arrangement. In addition, this paper finds that there is a significant homogeneity effect in the living arrangements of the rural elderly. At present, the family planning policy has led to a large reduction in family size, frequent large-scale labor mobility, and hundreds of millions of young and middle-aged people in rural areas have left their homes to work in cities. This has led to the shrinking of family pension resources. At the same time, the elderly care service in our country is far from meeting the needs of the elderly, and has not yet formed a care service system for the elderly to adapt to the level of economic and social development and to cope with the challenge of aging. Under this background, it is of great significance to perfect the old-age system in rural areas, to promote the development of care services for the elderly and the cause of supporting the elderly, and to realize the organic combination of the family old-age care, community care and institutional old-age care.
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