[Abstract]:After the full-scale two-child policy was implemented, the effect of the policy was obvious and the number of births was in line with the forecast. In the case of a decrease in women of childbearing age, the number of births has increased significantly. The reform of family planning service management has been carried forward in an orderly manner, and the institutional system and social environment of encouraging birth by policy are being constructed, and corresponding supporting policies and measures have been introduced one after another. In order to promote the long-term balanced development of the population, there is an urgent need for attention and research on the major issues in the current five fields: first, to grasp the laws of population's own development and maintain a moderate fertility level; and second, to clarify the relationship between population and social development. To build a family-friendly social policy environment; third, to scientifically judge the interaction between population and economy; fourth, to explore the problems of floating population and urbanization, and to provide innovative programs to promote the rational distribution of population; and fifthly, to grasp the trend of world population development. China's population development will be integrated into the global perspective of observation and analysis. China is in the historical turning point of population development, family planning, reform and opening up and other fruitful achievements of the pioneering practice, for China's population theory research has provided rich materials, but also for population research to achieve a front-line breakthrough provides a good opportunity.
【作者单位】: 国家卫生和计划生育委员会;
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