[Abstract]:Population is the foundation of social existence and development and an important factor that deeply influences the development of social history. Population study is an important aspect of historical research. This paper studies the population development and social changes in Hunan province from 1950 to 2007. The main part is divided into four chapters: the total population of Hunan, the distribution of population in Hunan, and the age structure of Hunan population. This paper discusses the changing process and characteristics of Hunan's population from four aspects of the structure of population sex ratio, and discusses the factors of population change. On the basis of this, it discusses the interrelation between population change and the question of social change. The topic of this paper belongs to history and sociology, the intersection of demography, academic research value, and practical significance. Its academic nature lies in making a systematic and complete study on the population changes in Hunan since the founding of the people's Republic of China 60 years ago. It is a work that no one has done before and can add empirical materials for historical demography. Its reality is that it can be used for reference to solve the current population problems, and even can be used for reference by the population and administrative departments. The article has the following three characteristics: first, with the historical rigor, the sensitivity of the news, the author with a strong sense of responsibility to study this subject. There is a strong sense of suffering between the lines, "drawing lessons from history". Secondly, on the basis of the population development and social changes in the past 60 years, the author puts forward three unique suggestions: 1) the views of "one-child one-size-fits-all" and "letting go of nature" are both undesirable; (2) population policy should be closely integrated with the process of urbanization; (3) relevant mechanisms should be established in advance to ensure the sustainable development of population production; third, The data are full but not tied to data articles with full data and historical materials from the Bureau of Statistics of Hunan Province, the Hunan Provincial Family Planning Commission, and the Hunan Provincial Library, but not limited to numbers. The angle of view is put into all aspects of social life, reflecting the author's good comprehensive quality and historical vision.
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