[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has developed at a high speed, and at the same time, the population structure has also undergone rapid changes. In the past 30 years, the "demographic dividend" effect caused by the change of population structure has played a great role in promoting the economic development of our country, but with the relative abundant advantages of labor resources gradually weakened, How to fully exploit and prolong the "demographic dividend" effect has become a very important issue. The research idea of this paper is to proceed from the problem of the situation change of "population dividend" at present in our country, and analyze the trend of population structure change qualitatively and quantitatively in macroscopical level. This paper studies the influencing factors of labor force change and makes an empirical analysis on the two key indicators of labor force quantity and labor force participation rate and the GDP index of economic development. Demonstrating the positive impact of the "demographic dividend" on the economy and that the "demographic dividend" is about to begin to disappear, at the same time from the labor force factor to the labour force participation rate, human capital, From the point of view of labor mobility, it is suggested to extend the "demographic dividend" or to excavate the second "demographic dividend". The empirical results show that the birth rate and the demographic change are significantly related. At the same time, the proportion of labor force in China's reform and opening up to date is positively correlated with its driving force on the economy; in addition, the economic growth and labour force participation rate are also positively correlated, with a correlation coefficient of 0.869, so, It is an effective way to expand the demographic dividend by increasing the labour force participation rate. 6 figures, 9 tables, 46 references.
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