[Abstract]:With the rapid urbanization, the economic and social transformation, the frequent population flow and the population structure transformation become the challenges of China and Jiangsu Province, the coupled development of population structure and economy has become the most urgent problem to be solved for sustainable development. Using the data of the fourth, fifth and sixth national censuses, the coupling model of population structure and economy is established, and the methods of standard deviation elliptical model and barycenter model, spatial overlap and change consistency are adopted. The spatial pattern evolution and formation mechanism of population structure and economy coupling development in Jiangsu Province are analyzed. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) from 1990 to 2010, the coupling degree between population structure and economy in Jiangsu Province decreased from higher correlation to moderate correlation. The coupling type changed from low level type to antagonistic type to running-in type. Increasing the stage of economic development will promote the continuous upgrading of the coupled type of population structure and economic development. (2) the standard deviation ellipse of coupling degree is located in the middle part of Jiangsu Province, which tends to gather in space and is polarized in the northwest to southeast direction. The center of gravity of coupling degree is roughly located in the east of Jiangdu and the northwest of Taixing City. The center of gravity of coupling degree first transfers to southeast, then to northwest, in which the north and south migration is the largest. (3) economy has the greatest influence on the spatial pattern of coupling gravity center, and the population industrial structure is second only to economic development. Both are the most important endogenous driving forces for coupling degree. The difference of potential energy between north and south of Jiangsu Province promotes the shift and transition of the barycenter to the equilibrium point, which is the essential reason for the spatial difference between population structure and economy.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学人口与政策发展研究中心;南京师范大学金陵女子学院;南京师范大学地理科学学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金重大项目“整体性治理——应对老龄社会的公共政策和公共管理体系重构研究(71490735)”,项目负责人:彭希哲;国家自然科学基金项目“中国经济增长波动的区域响应研究(41271128)”,项目负责人:管卫华 上海市社科规划青年课题“长江经济带人口老龄化空间格局演化、空间溢出效应及其与上海的空间联动研究(2017ESH001)”,项目负责人:吴连霞
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