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发布时间:2018-09-19 17:22
【摘要】:政治参与是现代民主政治的一个重要内容和标志,是公民政治权利在政治关系中得以实现的重要方式,也是实现民主政治的关键,既体现政治关系本质,又体现了公民在社会政治生活中的地位和作用。流动人口是我国改革开放以来,随着工业化和城市化进程加快而出现的庞大群体。2008年,根据国家计生委有关部门提供的数据计算,流动人口数量达到20100万人,预测到2050年流动人口规模可达到3.5亿左右。规模如此庞大的流动人口,其政治参与的广度和深度是体现民主政治建设的重要指标。流动人口通过合法的政治参与,能对社会管理者、社会管理工作形成有效的监督,促使相关决策部门在制定政策建议时更加科学合理。同时,流动人口政治参与也是我国民主政治建设的重要内容,对我国政治体制的改革和发展起不可忽视的推动作用。 论文的研究思路,从对流动人口、政治参与、流动人口政治参与三个核心概念界定基础上入手,分析我国流动人口政治参与的理论基础,为论述和研究我国流动人口政治参与问题提供理论支撑和分析框架。再通过对流动人口现状进行分析,为研究流动人口政治参与提供背景分析。在此基础上对我国流动人口政治参与的相关影响因素进行梳理,进而提出提高我国流动人口政治参与的路径选择。 论文的研究方法,坚持以辩证唯物主义思想和科学发展观为指导,在借鉴流动人口政治参与理论成果的基础上,运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义分析法,采取定量分析与定性分析相结合方式,采取问卷调查、集体座谈、深度访谈等方法,以流动人口为调研对象,对流动人口政治参与的现状及未来趋势进行全方位、多角度的调查、比较和分析。 论文的逻辑结构 全文共分五章。研究的基本思路是导论→基础理论→现状描述→相关因素分析→结论与对策研究。在对流动人口政治参与基础理论分析的基础上,分析流动人口现状,对流动人口在流入地和流出地政治参与进行比较分析,阐释流动人口在现阶段政治参与面临的问题,从深层次揭示问题产生原因,并对影响流动人口政治参与的相关因素进行分析,最后提出相应的路径选择。论文试图将研究的科学性、理论性、政策性与经济性融为一体,在严密的逻辑基础上开展研究,并为今后的探索和研究拓展更为广阔的空间和视野。 论文的主要内容包括五章,具体如下: 第一章,导论。文章的概述章节,主要是阐释研究流动人口政治参与的背景、研究目的和重要理论意义与实践。为下文我国流动人口政治参与进行理论分析和实证研究奠定基础。同时说明论文的主要研究方法,阐释相关研究内容及逻辑结构,提出研究可能的创新和不足之处。 第二章,流动人口政治参与研究范畴与基础理论。本章首先是对流动人口、政治参与、流动人口政治参与三个核心概念进行界定,并在概念界定的基础上阐释我国流动人口政治参与的理论基础,为论述和研究我国流动人口政治参与问题提供理论支撑和分析框架。最后,本章从构建社会主义和谐社会、民主政治发展、社会稳定等角度进一步分析我国流动人口政治参与的重大现实意义,从现实视角论证研究我国流动人口政治参与的重要性与迫切性。 第三章,我国流动人口政治参与的现状分析。本章通过对流动人口现状进行分析,为研究流动人口政治参与提供背景分析。从我国流动人口未来的发展趋势来看,在未来较长的一段时间,流动人口的规模会进一步扩大,流动人口的主体仍然是从农村流入城市的农村人口,并且新一代的流动人口也逐渐年轻化。在分析流动人口特点的基础上,从流入地和流出地对流动人口政治参与进行比较研究,发现流动人口作为特殊的社会群体,在数量不断增长的过程中,绝大多数流动人口没有纳入流入地的管理体系中,享受不到流入地的福利与公共产品服务,更谈不上在流入地的政治参与,同时这部分流动人口在流出地的政治参与也在逐渐边缘化,这对构建社会主义和谐社会构成巨大的挑战。 第四章,我国流动人口政治参与的影响因素分析。本章系统地对流动人口政治参与的影响影响进行分析。本文将影响我国流动人口政治参与的影响因素分为三类,并在对影响因素分类的基础,深入分析各因素是如何对流动人口政治参与产生影响。影响因素之一是流动人口个人素质及社会特征;影响因素之二是流动人口的社会经济文化地位,主要从流动人口的社会地位、政治文化、大众传媒以及政治信息的缺失四方面分析了对流动人口政治参与的影响;影响因素之三是我国现有的政治体制,主要从现行的政治参与制度、信访制度、城乡二元结构、政治参与的规则和程序和政治权力的集中五方面分析对流动人口政治参与的影响。 第五章,提高我国流动人口政治参与质量以及拓宽其广度和深度的路径选择。要构建社会主义和谐社会,促进我国民主政治发展和社会发展,应当通过多种途径消除我国流动人口政治参与存在的问题,提高流动人口政治参与质量。目前应充分认识到提高流动人口政治参与的重要性。要通过区域试点,全面深化改革户籍制度;建立以流入地为主的选民登记制度;在流入地建立以社区自治为平台的政治参与制度,从制度上、法律上保障流动人口政治参与;提高流动人口组织化程度,促进社区组织的健康发展,拓宽流动人口政治参与渠道。 论文可能的创新包括以下四点: 一、研究视角比较新。流动人口的政治参与属政治人口学范畴。本文的潜在研究意图是通过对流动人口政治参与的研究,对人口政治学、人口政治行为以及人口政治制度做初步的探索。研究文献表明,学者对流动人口的研究主要集中在社会生活方面,而较少涉及政治参与内容,而且将流动人口政治参与作为单独整体的研究较少。本文从流动人口主体特征入手,结合政治学基础理论,运用政治参与理论,分析我国流动人口政治参与现状,从深层次揭示我国流动人口所处的政治环境,挖掘流动人口政治参与质量不高的根源,在分析视角上有一定的独到性,为解决这一问题提供新的思路。 二、对我国流动人口政治参与的影响要素作了比较全面和系统的分析。前期学者对流动人口政治参与影响因素的研究较为分散,从某个角度的研究较为深入,而综合性的研究相对较少。本文将影响流动人口政治参与的影响因素分为流动人口个人素质和社会特征因素、经济和文化因素、政治体制因素三大类,从这三个层面入手,较为系统的分析我国流动人口政治参与存在问题产生的原因。同时比较全面的分析了我国现行的户籍制度、政治参与制度、信访制度、政治参与规则和程序、现有的政治文化氛围对流动人口政治参与的阻碍作用,提出制度创新的思路。 三、通过对流动人口政治参与现状的分析,本文认为户籍制度和选举制度是限制流动人口在流入地政治参与的一个障碍,因此,提出在我国的东部、中部和西部城市进行试点,然后全面深化改革户籍制度。并在户籍制度改革的基础上提出建立以流入地为主的选民登记制度,对理论研究和实际工作有一定的借鉴意义。 四、文章通过对流动人口在流入地和流出地政治参与的比较分析,认为要提高流动人口政治参与质量,扩大流动人口政治参与的广度和深度,需要给流动人口在流入地政治参与提供参与平台,因此提出,要在流入地依托社区管理,建立以社区自治为平台的政治参与制度。 论文的不足之处: 受本人水平和掌握材料的限制,论文在以下三方面还有待进一步研究。第一,对流动人口政治参与作为政治人口学的理论提升和目标体系的研究还不够,虽然从流入地和流出地对流动人口政治参与现状进行考察,还将影响流动人口政治参与的因素分为三大类进行研究,但没有明确各影响因素在流动人口政治参与中的权重,并且尚未建立流动人口政治参与目标体系,缺乏对流动人口政治参与的定量分析;第二,文章更多的是强调流动人口在流入地的政治参与,对在现行制度下,将流动人口政治参与在流入地和流出地有效结合,是需要作者进一步思考和研究的问题;第三,在分析我国流动人口政治参与现状时,本文采用了笔者在成都市流动人口政治参与的调研数据,但由于调研样本不可能足够大,因此了解的情况不全面,提供的数据仅供参考。
[Abstract]:Political participation is an important content and symbol of modern democratic politics, an important way to realize citizens'political rights in political relations, and a key to realize democratic politics. It not only embodies the nature of political relations, but also reflects the status and role of citizens in social and political life. In 2008, according to the data provided by the relevant departments of the State Family Planning Commission, the number of floating population reached 201 million, and the scale of floating population is expected to reach 350 million by 2050. The floating population, through legal political participation, can form effective supervision over social managers and social management work, and promote the relevant decision-making departments to make policy recommendations more scientific and reasonable. At the same time, the political participation of the floating population is also an important part of China's democratic political construction and of China's political system. Reform and development can not be ignored.
On the basis of defining the three core concepts of floating population, political participation and political participation of floating population, this paper analyzes the theoretical basis of political participation of floating population in China, and provides theoretical support and analytical framework for discussing and studying the political participation of floating population in China. Based on the analysis, this paper provides a background analysis for the study of the political participation of the floating population. On this basis, it combs the relevant factors affecting the political participation of the floating population in China, and then puts forward the path choice to improve the political participation of the floating population in China.
The research method of this paper is guided by dialectical materialism and scientific outlook on development. On the basis of drawing lessons from the theoretical achievements of political participation of floating population, using dialectical materialism and historical materialism analysis method, adopting the method of combining quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis, adopting questionnaire survey, collective discussion, in-depth interview and so on. Taking the floating population as the research object, this paper makes an omni-directional and multi-angle investigation, comparison and Analysis on the current situation and future trend of the political participation of the floating population.
Logical structure of thesis
This paper is divided into five chapters. The basic idea of the study is introduction basic theory status quo description related factors analysis conclusions and countermeasures. On the basis of the analysis of the basic theory of political participation of the floating population, this paper analyzes the current situation of the floating population, makes a comparative analysis of the political participation of the floating population in the inflow and outflow areas, and explains the floating population. At this stage, the problems faced by political participation are revealed from a deeper level, and the relevant factors affecting the political participation of the floating population are analyzed. Finally, the corresponding path selection is proposed. Future exploration and research will expand broader space and vision.
The main contents of the thesis include five chapters, as follows:
Chapter 1, Introduction. The summary chapter of the article mainly explains the background, purpose and important theoretical significance and practice of the research on the political participation of the floating population. It puts forward possible innovations and shortcomings.
Chapter two, the research category and basic theory of the political participation of the floating population. Firstly, this chapter defines the three core concepts of the floating population, political participation and political participation of the floating population, and explains the theoretical basis of the political participation of the floating population in China on the basis of the concept definition, so as to discuss and study the political participation of the floating population in China. Finally, from the perspective of building a harmonious socialist society, democratic political development and social stability, this chapter further analyzes the great practical significance of political participation of floating population in China, and demonstrates the importance and urgency of political participation of floating population in China from a realistic perspective.
The third chapter is the analysis of the current situation of the political participation of the floating population in China.This chapter provides a background analysis for the study of the political participation of the floating population by analyzing the current situation of the floating population.From the perspective of the future development trend of the floating population in China, the scale of the floating population will be further expanded and the main body of the floating population will remain. On the basis of the analysis of the characteristics of the floating population, this paper makes a comparative study of the political participation of the floating population from the inflow and outflow areas, and finds that the floating population, as a special social group, is in the process of increasing in number, the vast majority of the floating population. Moving population is not included in the management system of the inflow area, and can not enjoy the welfare and public goods services in the inflow area, let alone the political participation in the inflow area. At the same time, the political participation of the floating population in the outflow area is gradually marginalized, which poses a great challenge to the construction of a harmonious socialist society.
This chapter systematically analyzes the influence of the political participation of the floating population. This paper divides the influencing factors into three categories, and on the basis of the classification of the influencing factors, analyzes in depth how the various factors affect the political participation of the floating population. One of the influencing factors is the personal quality and social characteristics of the floating population; the other is the social, economic and cultural status of the floating population, mainly from the social status of the floating population, political and cultural, mass media and political information deficiency four aspects of the impact of the floating population political participation. Third, China's existing political system, mainly from the current political participation system, petition system, urban and rural dual structure, the rules and procedures of political participation and the concentration of political power on the five aspects of the impact of migrants'political participation.
In order to build a harmonious socialist society and promote China's democratic political and social development, we should eliminate the problems existing in the political participation of the floating population and improve the quality of their political participation. We should fully realize the importance of improving the political participation of the floating population. We should deepen the reform of the household registration system through regional pilot projects, establish a voter registration system based on the inflow areas, establish a political participation system based on community autonomy in the inflow areas, guarantee the political participation of the floating population in the system and law, and improve the migrants'political participation. The degree of oral organization promotes the healthy development of community organizations and broadens the channels for political participation of floating population.
The possible innovations of the paper include the following four points:
First, the research perspective is relatively new. The political participation of the floating population belongs to the category of political demography. The potential purpose of this paper is to make a preliminary exploration of population politics, population political behavior and population political system through the study of the political participation of the floating population. In terms of social life, there is less political participation and less research on the political participation of the floating population as a whole. This paper starts with the main characteristics of the floating population, combines the basic theory of political science, and uses the theory of political participation to analyze the current situation of political participation of the floating population in China, and reveals the situation of the floating population in China from a deeper level. The political environment, tapping the root of the low quality of political participation of the floating population, has a certain degree of uniqueness in the perspective of analysis, and provides a new way to solve this problem.
Secondly, this paper makes a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the influencing factors of the political participation of the floating population in China. Previous scholars'research on the influencing factors of the political participation of the floating population is more scattered, from a certain angle is more in-depth, and the comprehensive research is relatively less. There are three kinds of factors: personal quality, social characteristics, economic and cultural factors, and political system. Starting from these three aspects, this paper makes a systematic analysis of the causes of the problems in the political participation of the floating population in China. And the existing political and cultural atmosphere has hindered the political participation of the floating population, putting forward ideas of institutional innovation.
Thirdly, through the analysis of the current situation of the political participation of the floating population, this paper holds that the household registration system and the electoral system are an obstacle to restricting the political participation of the floating population in the inflow areas. Therefore, it is proposed that the eastern, central and western cities in China should be experimented with, and then deepen the reform of the household registration system in an all-round way. Establishing a voter registration system based on the inflow area is of certain reference significance to theoretical research and practical work.
Fourthly, through the comparative analysis of the political participation of the floating population in the inflow and the outflow areas, the article holds that in order to improve the quality of the political participation of the floating population and expand the breadth and depth of the political participation of the floating population, it is necessary to provide a platform for the political participation of the floating population in the inflow area. Therefore, it is necessary to rely on community management in the inflow area and establish a platform for the political participation of the floating population. Community autonomy is the political participation system of the platform.
Shortcomings of the paper:
Limited by my level and materials, the paper needs further study in the following three aspects. First, the study on the political participation of floating population as a theoretical upgrade and target system of political demography is not enough, although the study of the current situation of political participation of floating population from the inflow and outflow areas will also affect the political participation of floating population. The factors of participation can be divided into three categories, but the weight of each factor in the political participation of the floating population has not been clearly defined, and the target system of political participation of the floating population has not been established, and the quantitative analysis of the political participation of the floating population is lacking. Secondly, the article emphasizes more on the political participation of the floating population in the inflow area than on the current situation. Under the current system, the effective combination of the political participation of the floating population in the inflow and outflow areas is a problem that needs further consideration and study by the author. Thirdly, in the analysis of the current situation of the political participation of the floating population in China, this paper uses the survey data of the political participation of the floating population in Chengdu, but because the survey sample is not large enough. Therefore, the situation is not comprehensive, and the data provided are for reference only.


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