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发布时间:2018-10-10 07:18
【摘要】:人口经济在不断发展变化过程中存在着相互联系、相互制约的作用。经济学产生后,人口与经济关系一直都是研究的焦点之一。从亚当·斯密(Adam Smith)、马尔萨斯(Malthus)到马歇尔(Marshall)都从经济角度研究人口问题,把人口看成是经济运行中的内在因素加以研究,现在经济学家也很重视,把人口因素纳入影响和制约经济增长的主要因素之一。概括起来,人口与经济之间的关系主要表现为人口增长与经济的关系以及人口区域分布与经济的关系两个基本方面。在此运用重心法探索人口区域分布与经济空间分布的关系。 本研究运用区域经济重心、消费重心、投资重心和人口重心的演变轨迹及其对比分析,研究了甘肃省人口与经济的相互作用机制,并针对甘肃省特殊的地理环境和条件,从产业发展过程和三大需求分析区域经济差异的原因和现状,对甘肃省整体经济发展过程中人口经济问题的认识进一步深入,为推动甘肃省人口、资源、经济、环境的相互协调、合理配置与可持续发展提供科学依据。 本文主要包括六个章节:前言介绍了本文的研究背景及意义,并对国内外的人口经济发展与区域重心研究作了综述,最后阐明了本文的研究目标、思路和方法,第二章对甘肃省区域地理环境,人口、经济发展状况及其分布特征进行阐述;第三章运用重心法研究甘肃省区域经济重心演变轨迹,对比分析了三次产业重心与经济重心演变轨迹,然后研究了消费重心与投资重心的演变轨迹,分析消费、投资对经济增长的拉动作用,最后基于灰色模型对经济重心在时间和空间分布上的关联性进行研究,揭示经济空间分布的时空变化特征、规律及其原因;第四章运用重心法研究甘肃省人口重心演变轨迹,重点对比分析了人口重心与经济重心移动路径,揭示人口分布的时空变化特点以及变化原因;第五章针甘肃省区域空间差异进行定量分析,印证了经济重心揭示区域差异增大的结果,并在第三、四章研究基础上分析甘肃省区域经济差异的原因;最后,对本研究进行小结。
[Abstract]:Population economy has the function of mutual relation and restriction in the process of continuous development and change. After the emergence of economics, the relationship between population and economy has always been the focus of research. From Adam Smith (Adam Smith), Malthus (Malthus) to Marshall (Marshall), they studied population from an economic point of view, and looked at population as an internal factor in economic operation. Now economists also attach great importance to it. One of the main factors that influence and restrict economic growth is the population factor. To sum up, the relationship between population and economy is mainly manifested in two basic aspects: the relationship between population growth and economy and the relationship between population regional distribution and economy. The relationship between regional population distribution and economic spatial distribution is explored by using the barycenter method. Based on the evolution and comparative analysis of regional economic center, consumption center, investment center and population center of gravity, this study studies the interaction mechanism of population and economy in Gansu Province, and aims at the special geographical environment and conditions of Gansu Province. This paper analyzes the reasons and present situation of the regional economic difference from the process of industrial development and the three major demands, and makes a further understanding of the population and economic problems in the overall economic development of Gansu Province, in order to promote the population, resources and economy of Gansu Province. Coordination of environment, rational allocation and sustainable development provide scientific basis. This paper mainly includes six chapters: the preface introduces the research background and significance of this paper, and summarizes the population and economic development and regional center of gravity at home and abroad, and finally expounds the research objectives, ideas and methods of this paper. The second chapter describes the regional geographical environment, population, economic development and distribution characteristics of Gansu Province. Chapter three uses the method of gravity center to study the evolution of the regional economic center of Gansu Province. This paper compares and analyzes the evolution of the center of gravity of three industries and the center of economic gravity, and then studies the evolution of the center of gravity of consumption and the center of investment, and analyzes the pulling effect of consumption and investment on economic growth. Finally, based on the grey model, the relationship between the economic center of gravity in time and space distribution is studied to reveal the temporal and spatial characteristics of economic spatial distribution, laws and reasons. Chapter four uses the center of gravity method to study the evolution of population center of gravity in Gansu Province. The paper mainly analyzes the movement path of population center of gravity and economic center of gravity, and reveals the characteristics and reasons of the change of population distribution in time and space. The fifth chapter makes quantitative analysis of regional spatial difference in Gansu Province. It confirms the result that the economic center of gravity reveals the increase of the regional difference, and analyzes the reasons of the regional economic difference in Gansu province on the basis of the third and fourth chapters. Finally, the paper makes a summary of the research.


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