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发布时间:2018-10-13 18:00
[Abstract]:From 1931 to 1945, all circles in China continued to commemorate September 18, but showed a very different situation before the War of Resistance against Japan. Before the War of Resistance against Japan, the exiled people in Northeast China held the September 18 commemoration actively. They not only paid attention to the aggression situation of the Japanese army and the situation of the people in the Northeast, but also expressed their will to return to their homeland. The National Government exercised restraint in the commemoration, and even took restrictions on the memorial during the crisis in North China. Intellectuals and northeast people have similar attitudes, but they say more from the perspective of the state or theory. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the National Government's September 18 memorial standard was gradually upgraded, which became a form of rally and morale. In this situation, suggestions for the War of Resistance became the main content of the memory of the exiled people in Northeast China, at the same time, the annual commemoration also became an important time point for them to sum up the situation of the War of Resistance against Japan. After the Pacific War broke out, most of the domestic circles were optimistic about the future of the War of Resistance against Japan, and looked forward to the recovery of the Northeast as the main content of the memorial, but the concrete performance was different. From 1931 to 1945, the exiled people in Northeast China, The evolution of the National Government and the intellectual Commemorative speech of September 18 reflects the evolution of the understanding and demands of the Japanese aggression from all walks of life in the country, and also reflects the evolution of the Sino-Japanese relations and the national government's policy towards Japan at that time.
【作者单位】: 辽宁社会科学院历史研究所;


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