[Abstract]:In 1994, the Programme of Action of the International Conference on population and Development called for all countries to adopt, as soon as possible and no later than 2015, a primary health-care system that provides reproductive health care for all age-appropriate people, that is, reproductive health for all by 2015. The Seventeenth National Congress of our country also clearly put forward the overall development of human, indicating that our government will provide comprehensive service and management for the national reproductive health, which should certainly include the reproductive health services and management of the floating population. With the development of market economy in China, the population flow is becoming more and more frequent. The floating population has made a great contribution to the economic development and urban construction of our country, and has become the indispensable backbone of the economic and social development of our country. According to the data of the sixth census, the number of floating population in China has reached 260 million, which is 85.775% more than that of the fifth census. It is clear that it is impossible to ignore such a large population in order to effectively improve the reproductive health of the nation. Governments at all levels have made some achievements in the management of reproductive health services for the floating population under the premise of giving relevant policy guidance. However, there are still many areas that need to be improved urgently in the management of reproductive health services for urban floating population. In this paper, through the combination of policy theory research and empirical research, using the methods of literature research, interview, process description, process analysis, expert consultation and so on, starting from the two lines of administration and business management, standing in the perspective of both supply and demand. This paper discusses the present situation and utilization of reproductive health service management of floating population in our country, analyzes the existing problems and influencing factors in service management, and combs it out. More than twenty work flow charts related to the management of reproductive health services for urban floating population were drawn. On this basis, the paper puts forward some suggestions to solve the problem of reproductive health service management of floating population, that is, taking the management of information flow and the construction of information platform as the core, the organization performance evaluation as the means, the use of institutional resources, the organization carrier. Process decomposition and associated operational criteria to establish a multi-sectoral cooperation mechanism for rapid response, To explore the establishment of multi-department cooperation mode of "leading department overall management" with the floating population service management center as the lead department and the front service window model of floating population in the government administrative service hall, so as to improve the service management level. The realization floating population basic public service equalization, the standardization, the efficiency.
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