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发布时间:2018-11-20 05:20
【摘要】:脆弱的生态环境和区域贫困是吉林省西部农牧交错带地区人口压力的主要表现形式。水、热、土资源匹配性的优劣,决定着一个地区人口承载力的大小,匹配优良的地区,土地的生产能力高,农业生产力水平发达,这种类型的区域自古以来就是人口分布最为密集的地区。东北地区的土地资源在全国的优势明显,但是水资源相对短缺使得该地区的水热土资源匹配系数低于全国的平均水平,这一特征在吉林西部地区表现的更为突出,吉林西部农牧交错地区人均耕地资源丰富,但是由于水资源缺乏严重,使得该地区生态退化、土地沙化、湿地减少、水土流失等现象十分严重。低劣的土地生产能力、相对较大的人口密度使得该地区的生态环境面临着很大的压力,同时区域贫困也是该区的主要特征之一,吉林省的贫困主要发生在该地区,因此我们可以说吉林西部地区面临着很大的人口压力。 我们一般认为区域之间的人口压力差异所形成的梯度力是促进人口迁移的重要驱动力之一,研究吉林西部的人口压力对于解决农牧交错带地区生态环境问题、区域贫困问题起着至关重要的作用,研究表明吉林西部地区的人口压力在整个吉林省地区是最大的,但是相比较国内其他地区来说压力水平较低,这也是该地区实施生态移民工程的障碍因素之一。 传统的人口压力主要通过专家打分来确定指标的权重,采用这种方法研究的人口压力主观性太强,因此相同的研究由于采取的指标不同结果则可能会有很大的差异,用主成分分析法来确定指标的权重就能够解决这一问题。
[Abstract]:The fragile ecological environment and regional poverty are the main forms of population pressure in the ecotone of agriculture and animal husbandry in western Jilin Province. The compatibility of water, heat and soil resources determines the size of the population carrying capacity of a region, the areas with good matching, the high productive capacity of the land, and the developed level of agricultural productivity. This type of region has been the most densely populated area since ancient times. The land resources in Northeast China have obvious advantages in the whole country, but the relative shortage of water resources makes the matching coefficient of water and hot soil resources in this area lower than the average level of the whole country, which is more prominent in the western region of Jilin Province. There are abundant per capita cultivated land resources in the interlaced region of agriculture and animal husbandry in the west of Jilin Province, but because of the lack of water resources, the ecological degradation, land desertification, wetland reduction and soil erosion are very serious in this area. Poor land production capacity and relatively large population density put great pressure on the ecological environment of the region. Meanwhile, regional poverty is also one of the main characteristics of the region. Poverty in Jilin Province mainly occurs in this region. Therefore, we can say that the western region of Jilin is facing great population pressure. We generally think that the gradient force formed by the difference of population pressure between regions is one of the important driving forces to promote population migration. The study of population pressure in the western Jilin Province can solve the ecological and environmental problems in the agro-pastoral ecotone. Regional poverty plays a vital role. The study shows that the population pressure in the western part of Jilin is the greatest in the whole Jilin province, but the pressure level is lower than that in other regions in China. This is also one of the obstacles to the implementation of ecological migration projects in the region. The traditional population pressure is mainly determined by expert scoring. The population pressure studied by this method is too subjective, so the same research may vary greatly because of the different results of the indicators adopted. Using principal component analysis to determine the weight of the index can solve this problem.


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