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发布时间:2018-11-21 18:40
[Abstract]:Since 1982, the family planning policy has been established as the basic national policy of population development policy in China for a long time, and has been the focus and focus of academic research for a long time. Scholars in many disciplines are concerned about its development and change. From the perspective of the overall reform of family planning policy in 2016, this paper uses questionnaires and qualitative and quantitative methods to study, and combines family planning policy with human resources management by using charts and data. Through the census data to observe the law of population change, this paper studies the social effect of the reform of the New Policy on Fertility, and makes some theoretical prediction and analysis based on the influence of the comprehensive two-child policy on human resources. The article first carries on the literature review. Secondly, it clarifies the related concepts such as comprehensive two-child policy, human resources and its sustainability, population dividend, surplus, debt and reproduction, and puts forward the research topic and progressive policy analysis model, human capital theory, Maslow's hierarchy of demand theory, etc. The theory of moderate population and population balance is closely combined; The imbalance in the population structure, in which the contradiction between the supply and demand of the labor force is prominent, the minority children become more numerous, the population is aging, and the ratio of boys to girls is imbalance, the policy of single two-child is not as expected, the low fertility rate is difficult to recover, the downward pressure of the economy, the crisis of empty pension accounts, Under the background of the series of two-child policies, such as the multiple problems of one-child, the severe problem of losing independence and the prominent problems of population situation and population security, this paper analyzes the beneficial effect of comprehensive second-child on human resources: alleviating the imbalance of human resource structure. We should optimize the quality structure and intergenerational structure of human resources, reduce the appearance of families without independence, strengthen the function of future families to provide for the aged, relieve the pressure on children to support the elderly, and promote the accumulation, preservation, utilization and sustainable development of human resources. Thirdly, focusing on the implementation effect of the comprehensive two-child policy, aiming at the negative growth of China's human resources in the future, and combining with China's special national conditions, This paper analyzes the negative effects of the new policy of comprehensive two-child policy in China: increasing the input cost of family human resources, intensifying the competition of human resources and environment, the employment problem will become serious in the future, which will lead to the relative surplus of human resources. In the future, excess human resources will put pressure on the social security system. Finally, in view of the negative influence, the author thinks about the countermeasures to perfect the two-child policy: perfect the supporting policy of the two-child, guide the idea and related laws and regulations, strengthen the infrastructure construction, allocate the public resources rationally, and adopt the effective policy management. Strengthen the construction of social security system, develop the economy, expand employment and curb the surplus of human resources. In summary, the content of this paper: from the study of the reasons for the introduction of the comprehensive two-child policy, the social pressure brought about, the advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of the New deal, and so on, the in-depth discussion from the social security, public policy, public services, The development of economy and other aspects avoid the damage and adverse impact of the New deal on the sustainability of human resources, and through the analysis of chart data, the paper focuses on the impact of the comprehensive two-child policy on human resources. It provides a new idea for solving the social problems and perfecting the guarantee mechanism of the policy of comprehensive second child.


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