[Abstract]:Since the first national census and the work of ethnic identification were carried out in 1953, the population size of each nationality and its increase or decrease began to enter the field of view of ethnic studies. From the statistical observation of census data and the historical context of Yunnan ethnic population change, there are three characteristics of Yunnan ethnic population change: first, the number of Yunnan ethnic population scale is not uniform; Second, the speed of population growth in Yunnan is uneven, and the growth rate of some ethnic minorities is very large. The different factors of population growth of ethnic minorities include internal and external differences, influenced by economic, cultural and policy factors, and unnatural changes. Natural growth has become the two key indicators of the population growth of ethnic minorities in Yunnan in different historical periods, but in the future, the role of the natural growth factors of the ethnic minorities in Yunnan will tend to stabilize. Under the guidance of the positive effect of a series of national policies, the non-natural growth factors may be magnified and even become the dominant factors for the population growth of some ethnic minorities.
【作者单位】: 云南大学人口研究所;云南大学发展研究院;
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