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发布时间:2019-01-30 19:52
[Abstract]:Regional demography, as a branch of demography and a new direction of demography research, its theoretical function and practical value lie in guiding, promoting and coordinating the sustainable development of regional population. Based on the contradiction and complexity, difference and imbalance of regional population development, this paper analyzes the relevant literature on regional demography at home and abroad, and tries to set up a preliminary analysis framework of regional demography, focusing on the discussion. This paper discusses the object, scope, type, content and method of regional demography. On this basis, the relationship between regional demography and regional science, population geography, spatial demography and other related disciplines is analyzed in order to deepen the understanding of the nature, characteristics and methods of regional demography. At the same time, some problems worthy of further discussion, including the classification basis of regional demography, the boundary between regional demography and other disciplines, the theoretical support of regional demography and the prospect of regional demography are put forward.
【作者单位】: 西南财经大学人口研究所;


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