[Abstract]:Population and family planning are hot issues in China's economic and social development. They are also the main problems facing the realization of China's dream of rejuvenation and the improvement of people's living standards. Population quantity, quality, structure and distribution are related to China's current and future development. Therefore, the report of the 18th CPC National Congress pointed out that "adhere to the basic national policy of family planning, improve the quality of the population, gradually improve the policy, and promote the long-term balanced development of the population." Since the founding of the people's Republic of China more than 60 years ago, especially since the reform and opening up, with the implementation of family planning work, China has successfully explored a path of comprehensive management of population problems with Chinese characteristics. The rapid population growth has been effectively controlled in a short period of time, and remarkable achievements have been achieved. However, in the historical period of building a well-off society in an all-round way and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the population problem of our country is still severe, and it is facing an unprecedented new situation. The problems of population quantity, quality, structure and distribution are intertwined and affect each other. It is hindering the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of our society and economy. This article uses historical materialism, scientific development view, Marxist philosophy, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and Chinese outstanding cultural achievements, social harmonious development as the goal, has promoted the family planning research innovation development. Combined with the mean thought, dynamic balance, dialectical analysis of the problems faced by the development of family planning in China and its reflection. On the other hand, on the basis of absorbing and drawing lessons from previous research results, this paper makes innovative research on China's population development under the background of family planning, and puts forward some useful countermeasures and suggestions on the basis of combining theory with practice. In the face of harmony and development, it is of great significance to create a harmonious social framework, to innovate population structure, to optimize the way of development, and to work on family planning. The implementation of the family planning work is of great significance to the construction and development of the primary stage of socialism, to improve the quality of the population, to control the number of the population, to promote the construction and stability of the socialist society, and to resolve the social contradictions.
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7 吴,