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发布时间:2019-04-30 12:36
【摘要】: 移动通信是近代先进通信技术的产物,在信息交互中起着越来越重要的作用。移动通信是起源于专业移动通信网,当技术和规模都达到相当程度后,发展到公众网阶段,公众移动通信网是在第二次世界大战后逐步发展起来的。经过100多年的发展,移动通信己成为用途和影响十分广泛的一大新兴产业。 本文采用了SPSS统计软件中的典型相关分析法,分析了人口迁移、人口文化素质与移动通信量之间相关性的大小,诊断出影响移动通信量空间分布的主要因素,得出以下结论:(1)人口迁移的迁入率和净迁移率对移动通信量空间分布上具有较大的影响,但迁出率与移动通信量空间分布的关系不密切。(2)人口文化素质与移动通信量均具有较大的正相关性,说明我国人口文化素质对移动通信量的空间分布影响程度较大。从而表明一个地区的人口文化素质对移动通信量具有推动作用,具有较高人口文化素质的人群有更为广泛的社会联系需求,因而对移动通信有着更大的需求。(3)具体到人口迁移、人口文化素质对移动通信量单个评价因子的影响来看,人口迁移和人口文化素质均与移动电话长途通话时长的相关性不高,表明人口迁移、人口文化素质对移动电话长途通话时长的空间分布影响不明显。(4)通过上述分析,可以进一步发现:虽然现实空间的参与者开始或已经开始被网络空间所改变,但是现实的人口迁移和文化素质对移动通信的信息流也同样会产生一定的导引作用。人口迁入率和净迁移率的导引作用相对明显,人口迁移可以认为是对移动通信信息流动的外部导引;人口文化素质反映的是区域内部的人口特征,可以认为是对移动通信信息流动的内部导引。 本文一共分为五个部分组成: 第一部分为绪论,介绍了论文的研究背景、国外研究回顾、研究的目的及意义及论文的框架。 第二部分为研究方法及研究资料,介绍了典型相关分析的步骤和统计指标,研究资料的收集与处理,构建了人口迁移、人口文化素质、移动通信量三个指标体系。 第三部分为论文的核心部分之一,通过典型相关分析对人口迁移与移动通信量的相关性进行了实证分析。 第四部分也是论文的主体部分之一,通过典型相关分析对人口文化素质与移动通信量的相关性进行了实证分析。 第五部分为本文的结论与讨论。
[Abstract]:Mobile communication is the product of modern advanced communication technology, which plays a more and more important role in information interaction. Mobile communication originated from professional mobile communication network. When the technology and scale have reached a certain level, it has developed to the stage of public network, and the public mobile communication network has been gradually developed after the second World War. After more than 100 years of development, mobile communication has become a wide range of applications and impact of a large emerging industry. In this paper, the typical correlation analysis method in SPSS statistical software is used to analyze the correlation between population migration, population cultural quality and mobile traffic, and the main factors affecting the spatial distribution of mobile traffic are diagnosed. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the migration rate and net mobility have a great influence on the spatial distribution of mobile traffic. However, the spatial distribution of mobile traffic is not closely related to the migration rate. (2) there is a great positive correlation between the cultural quality of population and mobile traffic, which indicates that the spatial distribution of mobile traffic is influenced by the cultural quality of population in China. Thus, it shows that the cultural quality of the population in a region can promote the mobile communication, and the population with higher cultural quality has more extensive social contact needs. Therefore, there is a greater demand for mobile communication. (3) when it comes to population migration, the impact of population cultural quality on a single evaluation factor of mobile traffic is considered. Population migration and population cultural quality are not highly correlated with the length of long-distance mobile phone calls, indicating that population migration and population cultural qualities have no obvious effect on the spatial distribution of long-distance mobile phone calls. (4) through the above-mentioned analysis, the spatial distribution of long-distance mobile phone calls is not affected significantly. It can be further found that although the participants in the real space have been or have been changed by the cyberspace, the real population migration and cultural quality will also have a certain guiding effect on the information flow of the mobile communication. The guiding effect of population migration rate and net migration rate is relatively obvious. Population migration can be regarded as an external guide to the flow of mobile communication information. The cultural quality of population reflects the characteristics of population within the region, which can be regarded as the internal guidance to the flow of mobile communication information. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction, introduces the research background, the review of foreign research, the purpose and significance of the research and the framework of the paper. The second part is the research method and data, which introduces the steps of typical correlation analysis and statistical indexes, the collection and processing of research data, and the construction of three index systems: population migration, population cultural quality and mobile traffic. The third part is one of the core parts of the paper, through the typical correlation analysis, the correlation between population migration and mobile traffic is empirically analyzed. The fourth part is also one of the main parts of the paper, through the typical correlation analysis, the correlation between the cultural quality of the population and the mobile traffic is empirically analyzed. The fifth part is the conclusion and discussion of this paper.


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