[Abstract]:The sex structure of a country is mainly determined by the sex ratio of birth population, the sex ratio of death population and the sex ratio of international migrants. China is not an immigration country, and the structure of population sex ratio is mainly determined by the sex ratio of birth population and the sex ratio of death population. In this paper, the continuous birth cohort is constructed by using the census data of each year to estimate and predict, and the gender structure of the population in China is analyzed by using the data. The study holds that the sex ratio of Chinese population continues to be high for a long time, but under the characteristics of fertility culture in our country, the female population is more likely to be underreported in the younger age group, so the underreporting of statistical data exaggerates the degree of the high sex ratio of the low age group to a certain extent, but the underreporting can not be regarded as the main cause of the high sex ratio. According to the general law of biology, the probability of death of men is higher than that of women at any age under the same objective conditions. on the whole, the death population of the same birth cohort is larger than that of women from birth to marriage age, so the sex ratio of married age population must be smaller than that of birth population without the influence of international population migration. The sex ratio of death population in the low age group has an important influence on the sex ratio of the married age population, but due to the improvement of scientific and technological progress and medical level, the mortality rate continues to decrease. The sex ratio of the death population will not have a decisive impact on the sex ratio of the married age population, and will not change the basic fact that the high sex ratio of the birth population will lead to the high sex ratio of the married age population. Based on the analysis of the corresponding birth cohort of the married age population in 2020, it is considered that no matter what kind of data sources and methods are used, the continuously high sex ratio of the birth population will inevitably lead to the imbalance of the sex ratio of the married age population, which will lead to a series of social, economic and cultural problems.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学东北亚研究中心;吉林大学党委办公室;
【基金】:吉林大学基本科研业务费项目─种子基金项目:“候鸟”式异地养老问题研究(450060522269);吉林大学哲学社会科学研究重大课题培育项目:我国人口长期均衡发展战略研究(2015ZDPY15) 国家社会科学基金项目:“人的城镇化”理论与制度创新研究(14BRK035)
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