本文关键词: 兴边富民行动 朝鲜族 东北边境 民族地区 边境地区 图们江 鸭绿江 延边州 长白 吉林省 出处:《中国民族》2004年12期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Because I have been in my mind for a long time at the border for a long time, and also in order to complete the large-scale "read Border China" series, which was launched in cooperation with the action launched by the State people's Commission to rejuvenate the border and enrich the people. Recently, I have been reading, interviewing, and thinking. Of course, only around the only theme: the border! What's the border? What does the border mean? What is the history and status quo of the border? What is the relationship between the border and the nation, with the nation, with the nature, with the culture, with each of us? There is no doubt that these are complex and profound problems that cannot be understood in a short time. Over the years, I have crossed the vast majority of border areas intermittently, but only gone. So, This time I want to go through the whole process with these questions again-- "the action of prospering the border and enriching the people." the reason why it is called "walking reading" is that it is necessary to explore, touch, search, perceive, appreciate, and think about it in a down-to-earth manner while walking.
【作者单位】: 本刊记者 本刊记者 通讯员 通讯员
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2 牟本理;;兴边富民进入西部大开发快车道[J];中国西部;2001年04期
3 ;资讯[J];中国民族;2004年01期
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2 本报记者 张敏;“兴边富民行动”启示录[N];人民政协报;2000年
3 本报记者 胡果;求实创新 再上台阶[N];人民日报;2001年
4 记者 彭冰;省级政府推动是关键[N];吉林日报;2002年
5 记者邹声文;中华民族团结进步协会成立[N];人民日报;2002年
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