发布时间:2018-05-20 14:02
本文选题:商代 + 甲骨文 ; 参考:《中国历史文物》2010年02期
[Abstract]:The lingual people of the Shang Dynasty were once a nationalist in the political, economic and military positions, but for a variety of reasons, there were no records of any of the ethnic groups after the middle of the Western Zhou Dynasty. In recent years, with the development of archaeological work and the discovery of the lingual graveyard in the Shang Dynasty in the small Hu Village, Rong Yang, Henan, the geographical distribution of the lingo family in the Shang Dynasty and the Its historical problems were solved. In the Shang Dynasty, the tongue group belonged to the high aristocracy, mainly distributed in Xingyang and Zhengzhou.
【作者单位】: 四川大学历史文化学院;
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