本文选题:统万城 + 起讫时间 ; 参考:《中国历史地理论丛》2008年01期
[Abstract]:In this paper, the author questions the time of completion of the construction of the Hun capital of Xiongnu, the relationship between the city of Tongwan and the city of the Han Dynasty, the relationship between the city and the city system, and the form of the city system of the city, and so on. On the basis of a reinterpretation of the literature, combined with a field study, it is concluded that: first, the starting time for the construction of the city was not 413 and 419, as generally thought, but 413 and 424; second, Tongwan City was neither built on the basis of the big cities in the 16th State period nor on the basis of the Heyan County in the Upper County of the Western Han Dynasty, but on the basis of the seat of Hanshuofang County. Third, the city of Tungwan was divided into Miyagi. The three big parts of the imperial city (the inner city and the outer Guo city) were obviously contrary to the history of the development of the ancient Chinese capital system, and the building of the outer city of Tongwan City was also not suitable for the nomadic Huns. As for the east now, The irregular distribution of rammed earth outside the west city, the part outside the east city may be the remains of the Han Shuo square city which was not used during the construction of Tungwan city, and the part outside the west city is suspected to be a game ground similar to the royal garden Or a garrison for horses.
【作者单位】: 保山师范高等专科学校
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