本文选题:《水经注图》 + 《历代舆地图》 ; 参考:《社会科学战线》2008年09期
[Abstract]:In China, the compilation of historical maps has a long history. The period of Qianlong and Jiaqing in the middle of Qing Dynasty (1736 & 1820) was a golden age for the study of the historical geography of the previous generation in China. A large number of achievements in historical geography research laid a good foundation for compiling more thorough and detailed historical maps; at the same time, Along with the further development of ancient history research by scholars in Qing Dynasty, there is also a need for a richer and more accurate historical map. The development of the historical map in the late Qing Dynasty is the process of absorbing and extending the achievements of the scholars in the Qing Dynasty, the increase of each map and the revision and expansion of the content. They are both based on solid academic research. These two landmark historical map masterpieces, "Water Classic Notes" and "Historical and Geographical Map," are two monumental masterpieces of historical maps. Both of them are the result of the convergence of the pure academic historical and geographical textual research in the Qianjia period of the Qing Dynasty and the practical and geographical study of the world after Daoxian.
【作者单位】: 北京大学中国古代史研究中心;
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