发布时间:2018-07-08 10:25
本文选题:乡村长寿现象 + 乡村人居环境 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2012年博士论文
【摘要】:本文依托国家自然科学基金项目“江汉平原乡村住区系统演变与人居环境优化研究(40671050)”,从乡村长寿现象介入乡村人居环境研究。贯穿全文的逻辑主线是:“提出问题——乡村长寿现象分析——影响因素分析——长寿乡村人居环境发展模式——优化路径选择”。本文以乡村长寿现象与人居环境双向视角,以地处江汉平原的中国长寿之乡湖北钟祥为研究样本,分析乡村长寿现象与人居环境的关系与影响因素,探讨健康长寿的乡村人居环境发展模式,并针对当代乡村人居环境的发展症结,提出优化乡村人居环境的政策体系和发展路径,为乡村可持续发展提供科学依据,丰富人文地理学的研究内容。全文分为九章: 第一章为引言,重点分析选题背景和研究现状。首先通过地理现象的观察提出本文研究主题。目前,国内缺乏对乡村环境全面、系统的研究成果。一方面,关于人居环境的研究成果明显偏向城市,对乡村人居环境的研究成果往往局限于某一方面,缺乏系统性。另一方面,有关乡村长寿现象的研究方向单一,大多是从表面现象探寻长寿的奥秘,缺乏系统的理论基础研究。所以,从乡村长寿现象与人居环境的双向视角研究乡村人居环境优化路径具有强烈的现实意义和深刻的理论意义。 第二章为人居环境视角下中国乡村长寿现象的分析,为乡村长寿现象与人居环境的关系研究奠定基础。首先定义了区域长寿现象的含义,区域长寿现象是该地区社会经济发展水平、环境、生活方式等诸多因素共同作用的结果。其次,根据区域长寿现象的特征定义了乡村长寿现象。通过对百岁老人分布特征分析,得出乡村长寿现象是客观存在的。并简要分析了乡村长寿现象的成因。最后,分析了本文的案例地区钟祥乡村长寿现象的时空谱系。 第三章为乡村长寿现象与人居环境的关系研究。首先根据基本理论和现象分析得出理论假设:乡村人居环境是乡村长寿现象的充分必要条件。然后通过对钟祥以及周边县市乡村地区的人居环境质量和长寿水平进行科学评价,将其结果进行比较,得出乡村长寿现象与人居环境呈正相关关系的结论。本章从宏观上分析乡村长寿现象与人居环境的关系,主要起承上启下作用,后面几章的内容是在此宏观分析的基础之上进行的微观研究。 第四章为乡村人居环境中自然生态环境对乡村长寿现象的影响因素分析。从气候、地貌、水文和生物四个方面分析了乡村人居环境中的自然生态环境与乡村长寿现象的关系。气候决定乡村居民的生活习惯、住房建筑形式、农业生产等等,而气温、湿度、风、日照和特殊天气又是影响人居环境宜居性的主要因素。通过对钟祥乡村人居环境适宜居住的气候因子的综合评价,其结果显示钟祥的气候非常适宜人类居住。地貌决定乡村人居环境的形态。钟祥地貌的多样性、过渡性和有序性等特点对乡村人居环境的发展起着良好的基础作用。水文环境是影响乡村长寿现象的重要因素之一。丰富的水资源和优良的水质是乡村长寿现象不可或缺的基础条件。多种多样的生物不仅维持了自然界的持续发展,也是人类赖以生存和发展的基本条件。钟祥地区生物品种的多样性、生物品质的优良性、生态结构的复杂性和生态功能的完整性构成了优良的生态环境。 第五章为乡村人居环境中人文社会环境对乡村长寿现象的影响因素分析。从钟祥的乡村经济、乡村社会、文化风俗和生活习惯四个方面探讨人文社会环境与乡村长寿现象之间的联系。经济发展成为乡村长寿现象的物质支撑系统;乡村社会为乡村长寿现象创造了和谐的家园;文化风俗与现代文明结合促进了乡村长寿现象的形成和发展。生活习惯是人类寿命的关键因素之一,规律的起居习惯、健康的饮食习惯、勤劳好动的习性和丰富的业余爱好都是钟祥人长寿的秘诀。 第六章为乡村人居环境中人工居住环境对乡村长寿现象的影响因素分析。按照以人为本、针对性、全面性、代表性、层次性原则,构建了乡村人工居住环境评价指标体系,并对钟祥乡村居民进行问卷调查,在此基础上进行模糊综合评价,得出钟祥乡村居民对人工居住环境满意度总体评价为满意的结论。合理的宅基地位置、适度的住宅面积、实用的房屋结构、干净的室内小环境,以及庭院的绿色效应共同构成了长寿乡村的健康居住小环境。便捷的购物环境、较为完善的文化教育服务体系、较健全的医疗卫生服务体系和稳定的社会治安为乡村居民的健康长寿提供了良好的社会环境。道路交通网络逐步完善,村民出行方便。清洁能源方面的推广到位,有效的缓解了乡村的空气污染。 第七章为健康长寿的乡村人居环境发展导向研究。本章是在前六章分析的基础上对钟祥健康长寿的乡村人居环境发展的经验总结,为乡村人居环境建设的优化路径选择提供参考。钟祥乡村人居环境的建设充分利用自然生态环境优势,并遵循与自然生态环境和谐共生思想。钟祥乡村人文社会环境发展包括促进乡村经济发展、社会空间发展、文化风俗发展和社区居家养老模式,实现民生幸福。钟祥乡村人工居住环境村庄空间布局受环境的影响,不同的地貌有不同的空间模式,其住宅发展不仅继承了传统民居建筑文化,也结合了现代文明。同时,乡村基础设施建设、公共服务设施建设得到长足发展,乡村人居环境不断改善。 第八章为健康长寿的乡村人居环境的优化路径选择。针对我国当代乡村人居环境的发展症结,提出优化乡村人居环境的相关政策和建议。确定了健康长寿的乡村人居环境优化基本原则:保持协调人地关系、始终坚持以人为本、因地制宜的规划设计、相对集中的布局建设和传承健康长寿文化。提出了乡村人居环境优化路径选择:一是自然生态环境系统优化。在保持乡村自然生态环境的“原生态”基础上,加强乡村自然生态环境保护。具体措施有:从战略高度关注乡村自然生态环境安全;加大资金投入和政策扶持力度;加强农业科技推广,大力发展生态农业;强化乡镇企业环境管理,控制工业污染;健全环境管理体系,加强环保执法力度:加强宣传教育,增强乡村居民环保意识。二是人文社会环境优化。具体措施有:推动乡村经济稳步发展,增加农民收入,缩小城乡收入差距;实现乡村社会空间的优化;保护传统文化,加强乡村精神文明建设;发展社区居家养老模式,推进农村养老服务和老龄事业。三是人工居住环境优化。具体措施有:科学合理规划乡村社区;优化村庄居住区布局;提高乡村住宅质量,倡导健康住宅;完善基础设施和公共服务设施。 第九章为本文结论、创新点和后续研究。系统总结了全文的主要研究结论和主要创新点,并在分析全文的基础上,提出了后续研究计划。 本文通过对中国乡村长寿现象与人居环境的系统研究,得出的主要结论为:①乡村人居环境是一个与人类健康密切相关的外部因素;②乡村长寿现象的出现不是偶然的自然现象或社会现象,是乡村地区特殊的环境、生活方式和社会经济发展等诸多因素共同作用的结果;③通过比较乡村人居环境质量和乡村长寿水平的空间分布情况,论证了乡村长寿现象与人居环境的正相关关系;④乡村长寿现象是自然生态环境、人文社会环境和人工居住环境综合作用的结果;⑤在之前研究的基础上总结了健康长寿的乡村人居环境发展导向;⑥提出了健康长寿的乡村人居环境建设的优化路径。 本文的主要创新点为:①构建乡村人居环境研究的新平台;②切入乡村人居环境研究的新视角;③积极探索现代乡村人居环境优化的新路径。
[Abstract]:Based on the study of the evolution of rural human settlement system and the optimization of human settlement environment in the rural residential environment , the paper analyzes the relationship and influence factors of rural long - life phenomenon and human settlement environment , and puts forward the policy system and development path of optimizing rural human settlement environment . It provides scientific basis for sustainable development of rural areas and enriches the research contents of human geography . The whole text is divided into nine chapters :
The first chapter is introduction , focusing on the background and present situation of the research . Firstly , the author puts forward the theme of this paper through observing the geographical phenomenon . At present , the research results about the human settlement environment are obviously biased towards the city , and the research results about the rural human settlement environment are often limited to one aspect , lack of systematic theoretical foundation research . Therefore , the study of the rural human settlement environment optimization path from the two - way angle of the rural long - life phenomenon and the human settlement environment has a strong practical significance and profound theoretical significance .
The second chapter lays a foundation for the analysis of the long - life phenomenon of rural China under the perspective of human settlement environment . It lays a foundation for the study of the relationship between the long - life phenomenon and the human settlement environment . First , it defines the meaning of the long - life phenomenon in the region , and defines the rural long - life phenomenon according to the characteristics of the long - life phenomenon in the region .
In chapter 3 , the relationship between rural longevity and human settlement environment is studied . Firstly , according to the basic theory and phenomenon analysis , it is concluded that the rural human settlement environment is a sufficient and necessary condition for the long - life phenomenon in rural areas .
In chapter four , the relationship between the natural ecological environment and the rural longevity in rural human settlement environment is analyzed . The climate , landform , hydrology and biology are the main factors that affect the living habits of the country . The climate determines the living habits of the rural residents , the form of housing construction , the agricultural production , etc . The results show that the climate is very suitable for human habitation .
The fifth chapter analyses the influence factors of the human social environment on the rural long - life phenomenon in the rural human settlement environment . The relation between the human social environment and the rural long - life phenomenon is discussed from four aspects : the country economy , the rural society , the cultural customs and the living habits .
The rural community has created a harmonious home for the long - life phenomenon in rural areas ;
The combination of cultural customs and modern civilization promotes the formation and development of the long - life phenomenon in rural areas . The living habit is one of the key factors of human life . The habit of living , healthy eating habits , hard - working habits and rich hobbies are the secret of the long life of Zhongxiang people .
The sixth chapter analyses the influence factors of the artificial residential environment on rural longevity in rural human settlement environment . According to the people - oriented , targeted , comprehensive , representative and hierarchical principles , the paper constructs the evaluation index system of rural artificial residential environment , and makes a comprehensive evaluation on the overall evaluation of the residents ' satisfaction in the long - lived country . The reasonable house location , the perfect cultural education service system , the sound medical health service system and the stable public order form a good social environment for the healthy and long - life of the rural residents . The popularization of the clean energy sources is in place and the air pollution in the countryside is effectively alleviated .
Chapter 7 provides a research on the development of rural human settlement environment for healthy and long - life . This chapter is based on the analysis of the first six chapters , and provides a reference for the development of the rural human settlement environment . The construction of Zhongxiang rural human settlement environment makes full use of the advantages of natural ecological environment , and follows the harmonious symbiosis with the natural ecological environment . The development of the social environment in the xiang country includes the promotion of the rural economic development , the social space development , the cultural customs development and the community residence supporting mode , and the development of the residential development not only inherits the traditional residential building culture , but also combines the modern civilization . At the same time , the construction of the rural infrastructure and the construction of public service facilities have been developed , and the living environment of the country is improving .
Chapter 8 selects the optimal path of rural human settlement environment for healthy and long life . According to the development crux of the present rural human settlement environment in China , this paper puts forward some relevant policies and suggestions to optimize the rural human settlement environment .
Increase financial input and policy support ;
Strengthening agricultural science and technology popularization and developing eco - agriculture energetically ;
Strengthening the environmental management of township enterprises and controlling industrial pollution ;
Sound environmental management system , strengthen environmental protection law enforcement : strengthen publicity and education , strengthen the environmental awareness of rural residents . Second is the human social environment optimization . Specific measures include : promoting the steady development of rural economy , increasing farmers ' income and narrowing the income gap between urban and rural areas ;
To realize the optimization of rural social space ;
To protect the traditional culture and strengthen the construction of rural spiritual civilization ;
Develop community - based home - care pension model , advance rural old - age service and old - age enterprise . Third is the artificial residential environment optimization . Specific measures include : scientific and reasonable planning of rural community ;
Optimizing the layout of village residential areas ;
improve that quality of rural residence and promote healthy residence ;
Improve infrastructure and public service facilities .
Chapter 9 provides the conclusion , innovation point and follow - up study of this paper . The system summarizes the main research conclusion and main innovation points of the whole text , and puts forward the follow - up research plan on the basis of the analysis .
The main conclusions are as follows : 鈶,