[Abstract]:Shandong Jiaodong Peninsula and Liaodong folk residents say their ancestors from "little Yunnan", "Wusa Wei" and other places. Little Yunnan "where, domestic academic circles say different, is called" the enigma of the ages ". The historical documents about Xiangyun County, Yunnan Province (ancient Yunnan County), or "Little Yunnan", and the folk songs and folk customs of Xiangyun County, "small Yunnan", confirm that "small Yunnan" is in Yunnan, and this "small Yunnan" is ancient Yunnan County. Xiangyun County, now named after the county of Yunnan in ancient times and later Yunnan Province, is a place with relative stability, which actually exists and can be found in historical documents. There is no basis for the saying that Yunnan Province does not have the record of "small Yunnan alone"; there is no such place name as "small Yunnan" which has relatively stable, actual existence and can be found in Shandong, Shanxi, Anhui and other provinces. Nor can it be said that its ancestors are now Han Chinese and deny that it is in Yunnan Province. The emigration of Yunnan people in ancient times not only went north, eastward into the interior, but also moved south from Yuanjiang-Red River to Shandong through Vietnam and other places.
【作者单位】: 云南省人大常委会;
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