[Abstract]:In the course of studying the local chronicles, the author found that Leping County has two parts: one is Leping in Shanxi Province, the other is Leping in Jiangxi Province. Two different places of the same name, why today only Jiangxi Leping and not Shanxi Leping? Leping, Shanxi Province has a long history, the Eastern Han Dynasty Jianan built, more changes since then, to the Republic of three years (1914). The immediate cause of the scrapping of Leping in Shanxi Province is that "the Ministry of Internal Affairs proposed that the name of Leping County, which belongs to the Raozhou Capital of Jiangxi Province, be repeated and changed to Xiyang County," (Huangfu Zhenqing Xiuxiu, Li Guangyu: "A continuation of Xiyang County Records", Chengwen Publishing House, 1968. Page 28) the first year of Jiaqing (1796). Governor Jiang Zhaokui of Shanxi Province
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