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发布时间:2018-09-03 17:36
[Abstract]:The geography of ancient China originally belonged to the Wang Guan's school, originated in the official party and the earth training in Zhou Li, recited the local official and so on, but the successive dynasties research and governs the "Zhou Li" the person to train and dismiss the official, the earth training, the recitation to teach the official, is not only too farfetched, but also has a lot of doubts. In this paper, the author believes that the original meaning of the term "staff side" should be to recognize the characteristics of the inhabitants and property of all kinds of subordinate families in various places and to "know their interests", while the earthy saying "earth and place is buried" is meant to enable the king to "distinguish the ground from the origin of his birth". The so-called "earth hidden" refers to the natural geographical characteristics of a particular region, and the recitation of "Tao and Fang Fang hidden" is to enable the king to know its "local customs", which means that the so-called "square hidden" means the humanistic geographical characteristics in a particular region. "the plan of taking charge of the world by the family of duty and the land under the earth" should be a unified control of all geographical knowledge in all parts of the world, that is, the geographical knowledge of all localities should be aggregated here; as for the family of posts, "all countries are contemptible, four Yi, eight people, seven Fujian," Nine raccoons, five Rong, six Di's people, rather than their money, nine grain, six livestock, known their interests, "should be analyzed and processed these data, summed up the geographical characteristics of the region, in case it needs to be checked." The most important characteristic of the study of Wang Guan is that it serves the king directly. His knowledge of geography was divided into two parts: "earth hidden" and "square hidden", which were provided to the king by the right king's chariot while the king was on the tour, and by the king's adjunct and admonition at ordinary times when he was ready to be counsellors. Since it is the school of Wang Guan, different branches of discipline mean different branches of discipline. In the history of geography development, the division of "earth hidden" and "square hidden" is of great significance, that is, the former is roughly equivalent to the natural geography in modern geographical terms, and the latter is roughly equivalent to human geography. The mutual cooperation between the officials of duty side and earth training and recitation and training constitutes the general framework system of geography knowledge in ancient times. Geography, the nature of the study of Wang Guan, began to change from the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Western Jin Dynasty, but it was not until the Western Jin Dynasty that it was fundamentally changed.


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