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发布时间:2018-11-11 10:39
[Abstract]:In the study of the history and geography of Luoyang, the eastern capital of the Sui Dynasty, especially the examination of the city square, the former sages have made much effort and made great achievements. However, the arrangement of the geographical names in the four suburbs of Luoyang, the eastern capital, is due to the lack of relevant records in the relevant documents. More sufficient unearthed epitaph data have yet to be grasped before it can be unfolded. The newly published Epitaph of the Sui Dynasty provides a good platform for the study and writing of this paper. The purpose of this paper is to take the epitaph of the Sui Dynasty as the basic material, and to combine the literature of the Sui Dynasty with the achievements of the present. To the Sui Dynasty east Luoyang city four suburbs Henan and Luoyang two counties jurisdiction township, the village, the original, the garden, the bridge, the mountain, the Tun and so on place names, divides into categories, the examination is fixed to fill, the period can follow the former Xian, slightly advances a journey.
【作者单位】: 陕西师范大学历史文化学院;西安碑林博物馆;西安铁一中;


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