[Abstract]:In recent years, people pay more and more attention to the study of regional culture, and the cultural symbols such as "Ba Shu", "Qi Lu", "Yan Zhao", "Wu Yue", "Jingchu", "Lingnan" and "Guanzhong" have emerged as the times require. Although there has been a discussion on the cultural naming of this region of Northeast China, it has never been unified, such as "Guandong Culture", "Northeast Culture", "White Mountain and Black Water Culture", "Liao Hai Culture", "Liaodong Culture", "Eastern Liaoning Culture" and so on. Especially when the word "Liao Hai" originated in Liaohai culture remains to be further explored. The origin of the word "Liao Hai" is not from the viewpoint of Wei Shu, but from the two books of "the Book of the Han Dynasty" or "the Records of the three Kingdoms". In addition, in Fengguo Temple, Yixian, Liaoning Province, the inscription "Liao Hai" was found in the inscription written by Zhang Shao, a Song man in Ming Chang in the Jin Dynasty, which is first-hand information.
【作者单位】: 大连大学东北史研究中心;
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