[Abstract]:The world's 99 bend of the Yellow River, in the largest few words inlaid with a gleaming corner of the new tourism world, this is the ancient county of Qin and Han, headwaters of Hetao, hundred Lake County, the hometown of melon-Dengkou County. Dengkou, located in the southwest of Inner Mongolia Autonomous region, has long been known as the West Gate of Bayan Nur. It borders the Yellow River in the east, Yinshan in the north, and Wu Lan Buhe Desert in the west. Summer and autumn are the most popular tourist season here. There are 23 consecutive Wallace Festival, fishing Festival, Dragon Boat Race, Temple Fair, Aobo sacrifice, River Festival and other festival activities. Reporters came to Dengkou, Bayan Nur City, Inner Mongolia, to take part in news coverage activities. After the entire event, they took time to visit several natural and cultural landscapes of Dengkou. Everywhere they went, the reporter was deeply impressed. The magical lake of Nalin, which is rich in the pearl of the desert
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