[Abstract]:Xu Xiake, a son of Jiangnan family in the Ming Dynasty, wrote a diary-style travel record of mountains and rivers, in which the record of Yungui area was the most famous, with the reputation of "strange man and strange book". Xu Xiake was not heard of Shi Lin, his travel notes are limited to Jiangyin as the center of the circle of Jiangnan literati internal circulation. Xu Xiake's famous geography was the result of the reengineering of the Department of History and Geography of Zhejiang University, chaired by Ding Wenjiang and Zhu Kezhen after the Republic of China. They used scientism as a sharp weapon and tradition as a resource. In order to establish the academic paradigm of modern geography in China, a geographer based on scientific spirit and on the basis of on-the-spot investigation was portrayed as a geographer in Jiangnan, in order to graft the western geographical method onto the Chinese text and establish the academic paradigm of modern geography in China.
【作者单位】: 香港岭南大学历史系;
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