发布时间:2019-03-19 13:23
【摘要】:如果不是机缘巧合,在地下埋没千年的奇迹也许很难被唤醒。抓药买到“龙骨”,上面的甲骨文将中国文字的起源向前推进了上千年;道士清扫莫高窟积沙,不经意找到洞壁裂痕后的密室,让淹没于沉沙中的北宋藏经洞重见天日;农民车水溉田,无意惊醒了沉睡3000年之久的三星堆文明;社员打井刨出的陶片,成为开启秦始皇陵兵马俑坑的钥匙…… 把历史的书页翻回到1992年8月的一天,浙江衢州市龙游县,又一个沉睡千年的奇迹偶然浮出水面……
[Abstract]:If it were not a chance coincidence, it might be hard to wake up the miracle of a thousand years buried underground. Grab medicine to buy "keel," the inscription above the origin of Chinese characters forward for thousands of years; Taoist sweep Mogao Grottoes sand accumulation, inadvertently find the cave wall cracks after the secret room, so that buried in the sand in the Northern Song Dynasty Zangjing cave see the sky again; The farmer's car water irrigates the field, unwittingly awakens the Sanxingdui civilization that sleeps for 3000 years; the pottery piece that the member drilled the well becomes the key to opening the pit of Qin Shihuang's mausoleum. Turning the pages of history back to August 1992, Longyou County, Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province, another miracle of sleeping for a thousand years occasionally surfaced.
[Abstract]:If it were not a chance coincidence, it might be hard to wake up the miracle of a thousand years buried underground. Grab medicine to buy "keel," the inscription above the origin of Chinese characters forward for thousands of years; Taoist sweep Mogao Grottoes sand accumulation, inadvertently find the cave wall cracks after the secret room, so that buried in the sand in the Northern Song Dynasty Zangjing cave see the sky again; The farmer's car water irrigates the field, unwittingly awakens the Sanxingdui civilization that sleeps for 3000 years; the pottery piece that the member drilled the well becomes the key to opening the pit of Qin Shihuang's mausoleum. Turning the pages of history back to August 1992, Longyou County, Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province, another miracle of sleeping for a thousand years occasionally surfaced.
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