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王念孙与《读淮南子杂志书后》研究(文学).pdf 全文免费在线阅读

发布时间:2016-11-19 12:41


网友bazhan333737近日为您收集整理了关于王念孙与《读淮南子杂志书后》研究(文学)的文档,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。以下是文档介绍:The Research of Wang-Niansun and The Preface of HuainanziA Dissertation Submitted tothe Graduate School of Henan Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree ofMaster of ArtsByXu-ShengliSupervisor: Prof.Ding-XixiaDate:March,2013I摘要考據學於乾嘉時期達到頂峰,究其原因,清代優秀考據學家有一個普遍的共識,即要把文字、音韻、訓詁、版本、目錄、校勘等學科融匯貫通。訓詁,始於經籍時代愈古,晦澀難懂,訓釋以求其隱晦之本義;校勘,亦始於經籍時代愈古,流傳中訛誤錯亂橫生,經籍遂失本來面目而本義隱矣。二者殊途同歸,是以經學家、小學家欲訓詁,則先校勘以求所據之本無誤,校勘統於訓詁學著作之中而歸於“小學”一門。王念孫《讀書雜誌》作爲乾嘉學術名著,即很好地踐行了這一主張。然今人多述其訓詁學成就,而忽視其在校勘學方面的貢獻。不述其具體之校勘活(来源:[])動,則無以明其訓詁何以成其大,亦無以明其爲學之淵源所自。今姑以是書《讀淮南子雜誌書後》一文爲例,對其兩類六十二事校勘條例系統進行研究。本文分六個部分:第一部分緒論,主要論述《讀書雜誌》的成書、作者、研究現狀以及本文的選題意義。第二部分從歷時和共時兩個層面分析清代校勘學發達的原因。第三部分述《讀淮南子雜誌書後》主要內容:寫作緣起及性質、版本選擇及源流、校勘成果之總結。第四部分探究《讀淮南子雜誌書後》之校勘系統,分六十二事之分類標準、六十二事之條目構成、六十二事辯證、六十二事整理表(附表)幾個方面予以論述。第五部分從校勘之目的及目標、校勘之範圍、校改之原則、校勘之方法、校勘之性質五個方面,將王念孫與戴震、段玉裁、顧千里、盧文弨等校勘學家進行比較,以見王念孫校勘學之特色。關鍵詞:王念孫、《讀淮南子雜誌書後》、六十二事、校勘學IIIABSTRACTThe textology reaches its unprecedented prime in Qian-Jia period, due to the (来源:[])reason, the excellentTextual Criticism master in the Qing Dynasty,has a general consensus that should master these disciplinessuch as sphilology, phonology, exegesis, version, bibliography, Textual Criticism.When a book hascirculated for a long time and e obscure, the exegetical practice began to explain the originalmeaning. Same as the former, when a book has had a lot of mistakes and their original meanings have beenconcealed also,the collation b(来源:[])egan to try to restore its original appearance. Both the same thing, the expertsabout classical studies and Xiao-xue, who want to engage in exegetical activities,should firstly collate andreduce errors in the book as much as possible. Therefore, collation is included in the works ahoutexegesis,and attributed to the “Xiao-xue”. As Qian-jia academic masterpiece, Dushuzazhi keeps the essfully.But many people only describe the achievement of its exeges(来源:[])is, while ignore its achievementsin the aspects of Textual Criticism. If you don’t describe its specific collated activities, it could’t explainwhy he has made great achievements in the exegesis,and could’t understand his academic origins.Now, wewill study the collated system about Sixty-two Rules from The Preface of Huainanzi.The paper has six parts: Part I is the introduction , introduce the book, its author, current researchand the significance (来源:[])of the topic of this paper. Part II, analysis of the diachronic reasons and onditiona that it is developed in the Qing dynasty. Part III, the main content of The Preface ofHuainanzi:the resaon and nature of the writing, the selection and origin among those different versions,thesummary about collated results. Part IV, Explore its Textual Criticism system which includes the criteria


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