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发布时间:2018-01-03 12:01

  本文关键词:冷战时期的印支形势与胡志明小道的兴起 出处:《史学月刊》2015年08期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 胡志明 印支形势 北越 抗美救国战争 巴特寮 吴庭艳 诺萨万 苏发努冯 印度支那问题 老挝危机

[Abstract]:It is the Hu Zhiming trail during the Vietnam War in North Vietnam bypass Laos and Kampuchea opened a path to South Vietnam's secret military transport channel, made a significant contribution to the victory of the war against the Vietnamese nation. At present, although a large number of academic monographs and papers about the Vietnam War, but relates to the Hu Zhiming trail content is very small. The existing on the Hu Zhiming trail the works for the introduction of the individual, the paper has discussed the development process of the Hu Zhiming trail, historical status and influence, but the reason for the rise of Hu Zhiming trail without in-depth study. This paper intends to analyze the relationship between the rise and Vietnam divided north and South Hu Zhiming trail, and try from Laos and Kampuchea situation at home and abroad to play

【作者单位】: 河南牧业经济学院;"国家领土主权与海洋权益协同创新中心"郑州大学分中心;郑州大学历史系;
【正文快照】: 胡志明小道是越战时期北越绕道老挝和柬埔寨开辟的一条通向南越的秘密军事运输通道,为越南抗美救国战争的胜利做出了重大贡献。目前,学术界虽有大量关于越战的专著和论文,但涉及胡志明小道的内容却非常少。现有关于胡志明小道的著述多为介绍性的,个别文章论述了胡志明小道的发


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1 俞懿晗;在越南,胡志明仍是巨人[N];东方早报;2005年

2 俄罗斯《绝密》月刊 本报特约编译 李有观;是谁让胡志明遗体恍如昨日[N];世界报;2009年

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1 田向春;胡志明时期的越印关系(1945-1969)[D];郑州大学;2010年




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