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发布时间:2016-11-03 16:45




婚姻关系、家庭关系和继承关系都是人类社会最基本的法律关系,它们密切相联,不可分割。所谓婚姻家庭继承法的现代化,就是指调整以上关系的法律制度由传统型向现代型转变的过程,这个过程是一个国家法律制度乃至整个社会现代化进程的重要组成部分。 英国在相当长的时期内实行的是中世纪封建的婚姻家庭继承法,其总体特点是,法律规范具有明显的模糊性和不确定性,管理机构不统一,执行状况混乱,因为它们受到教会法、世俗法和习惯法的三重管辖。 在婚姻家庭法方面,婚姻的缔结往往是出于经济、政治和家族利益的综合考虑,由父母一手包办,结婚没有自由。另外,按照基督教的教义,婚姻是一种体现上帝意志的神圣约定,一旦缔结就永不可解除。所以离婚也没有自由。在婚姻生活中,由于封建法保护父权夫权的身份,妻子处在丈夫的制约和支配之下。 在继承法方面,中世纪的继承事务比较复杂,动产和不动产使用不同的继承方式。不动产继承主要由世俗法管辖,盛行长子继承制,单纯强调财产的完整性而不考虑其他家庭成员的利益,子女之间、夫妻之间的继承权存在明显的不平等;动产继承主要由教会法调整,动产被平均分成三份,妻子、子女和教会各继承三分之一。可见动产继承比不动产继承具有进步性。但是,中世纪是以不动产继承为主,动产继承处于次要地位。另外,这一时期英国也出现了遗嘱继承,但是关于遗嘱继承的法律很不完善,实行绝对遗嘱自由制,并不是近现代意 义上的遗嘱继承。 从16世纪起,英国开始由中世纪封建社会向近代资本主义社会过渡,商品货币经济取代了自然经济;资本主义化了的新贵族阶层和资产阶级共同发动和领导了17世纪资产阶级革命,推翻了封建专制制度,建立了君主立宪制,确立了法律至上、议会主权和司法独立制度。后来英国又率先开始和完成了工业革命,到19世纪30—40年代,英国第一个进入了现代资本主义工业社会。 工业社会给家庭生活结构和婚姻继承制度带来了革命性的影响。先进的生产力以及高效的生产率使人们的财富急剧增长,土地已不再是最主要的财产,动产继承日益重要;第三产业的兴起和形形色色的家用电器把妇女从繁重的家务劳动中解放出来,使她们获得了外出就业的机会,单独领取工资,经济上获得前所未有的自立。家庭的经济功能己经消失,变成了感情寄托的场所,婚姻和继承可以抛开经济利益的考虑。福利制度的建立使每个人的基本生活得到保障,人们的观念也己经发生变化,对婚姻和继承的态度产生影响。 上述变化意味着中世纪留下来的婚姻家庭继承法己不能适应新时代的需要,革新婚姻家庭继承法势在必行。 在婚姻家庭法方面,实现了婚姻自由。首先通过解除婚约束缚、规范结婚形式而实现结婚自由。其次,18、19世纪颁布实施了一系列保护妇女权利的法律规定,夫妻地位趋于平等。最后是离婚自山的实现,主要经过三个大的发展阶段即:司法分居的出现;以议会立法程序实现的离婚;通过司法程序诉讼离婚。离婚理山从“过错主义”原则改为“破裂主义”原则。 在继承法方面,发生最大变化的是遗嘱继承。它慢慢取代法定继承,占据主导地位,并且由绝对遗嘱自山制转为相对遗嘱自由制。其次,通过1925年一系列有关遗产继承的法案,英国废除了长子继承制,同时照顾长子和其他子女的利益;废除了男性优于女性的原则,实现了性别的完全平等:取消了复式继承制,动产与不动产使用同样的继承方式。最后配偶和非婚生子女的继承地位提高。 最终,,英国婚姻家庭继承法实现了从传统向现代的转变,具有独特的个性。英国婚姻家庭继承法的现代化最明显的特点有三个:婚姻家庭法的现代化与继承法的现代化相辅相成;教会法从客观上对英国婚姻家庭继承法的现代化起了有利的推动作用;其过程体现了一种从身份到契约、从家庭本位到个人本位的转变过程。同时,英国婚姻家庭继承法现代化的完成体现在以下几个方面:法律覆盖范围扩大:法律规定更加人道,并且从单纯关注人的物质利益上升到对人的精神意志的关注:法律更趋于完善与合理,达成了自山与纪律的统一;法律与道德的关系更为和谐。

【Abstract】 The Concise Analyses of Modernization of English law of Marriage and SuccessionMarriage relationship, family relationship and succession relationship is essential legal relationship in the society. They tie up with each other. The so-called modernization of law of marriage and succession is a process that legal system regulating aforesaid relationship changes from tradition to modern. This process is a part of modernization of legal system of a country even the whole society.For a long time, England adopted feudal law of marriage and succession. Its characters were that rules of law were blurry, management of law disaccorded and the law was executed confusedly. Because the affairs of English marriage and succession were ruled by church law, temporal law and unwritten law.On the law of marriage, boys and girls had no matrimonial freedom, because the aim of matrimony was for the benefits of economy, politics and family. In addition, matrimony was holy promise in Christian tenets, so there was no freedom of divorce. Because feudal law protected the authority of husband and father, the wife was dominated by the husband in family.On the law of succession, the affairs of succession in middle ages were complicated. The inheritance of realty and chatters had different rules. The former was administrated by temporal law and prevailed primogeniture. The heirdom on realty was not equal. The latter was administrated by church law. Chattels were divided equally three shares for wife, children and church. One third for church was called "god’s share". So the succession of chatters was more progressive than that of realty, but the latter was in main position. At that time, though there were wills, the law on wills was incomplete. It adopted absolute testamentary freedom and it was different from modern wills.From 16th century, England began to transit from feudalism to capitalism.Market economy began to prevail. In the 17th century, England finished bourgeois revolution. It cancelled feudality, built constitutional monarchy and established jurisdictional independence. Later, England finished Industrial Revolution. Between 1930S and 1940S, England first strode forward contemporary technical society.Technical society deeply influenced family structure, marriage and succession. Owing to advanced productivity, fortunes increased. The succession of chattels got more important. The third industry and all kinds of electrical appliances made women liberate from housework. They obtained employment and drew salary, so they began to depend on themselves. Family became a place of feelings bailment. Marriage and succession wasn’t based on economy. Welfare ensured people’s essential life. People’s attitude to marriage and succession changed.These changes made the law of marriage and succession lagging, so it should be reformed.On the law of marriage, matrimonial freedom was realized. Conjugal freedom was realized by unchaining matrimonial vows and making conjugal form normative. Some rules protecting women made wife and husband equal between 18th century and 19th century. The law of divorce passed three phases: judicial separation, divorce by parliament’s legislation and divorce by proceeding. What’s more, the cause of divorce changed from the principle of "fault doctrine" to that of "rupture doctrine".On the law of succession, testamentary inheritance gained the ascendancy slowly and the relative testamentary freedom replaced the absolute one. In 1925, England abolished primogeniture. The eldest son and other children were equal on succession. At the same time, England abolished the principle of men having precedence over women. What’s more, England adopted the same successive rules for chattels and realty. Otherwise the successive status of spouse and misbegotten children was advanced.At last, English law of marriage and succession finished the change from traditional law to contemporary law. It had three characters: Firstly, the modernization of law of marriage is consistent with that of succession. Secondly, church la

【关键词】 英国; 婚姻家庭法; 继承法; 现代化;
【Key words】 England; law of marriage; law of succession; modernization;

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