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发布时间:2018-04-06 07:00

  本文选题:苏联 切入点:华侨 出处:《贵州文史丛刊》2016年02期

[Abstract]:In the 1920s, the Soviet Union was newly established, and its finances and economy were extremely difficult.Plundering overseas Chinese property has become one of the important means for the Soviet local government to solve the financial difficulties.Its main methods include fraud of overseas Chinese property with false accusation, issuance of worthless public debt, collection of exorbitant taxes and direct confiscation of property by various administrative means.The main reasons for the abuse of overseas Chinese in Russia include the influence of the traditional thinking of "yellow peril" in Russian society, the new thinking of the Soviet government in dealing with the affairs involving overseas Chinese, and the deep-rooted contradictions among the overseas Chinese community in the Soviet Union.Under the influence of these factors, the overseas Chinese traveling to the Soviet Union were suppressed by the Soviet government's strategy of "using China to make China", and gradually declined.
【作者单位】: 广东财经大学华商学院;




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