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发布时间:2018-04-09 10:24

  本文选题:丝绸之路 切入点:丝绸之路经济带 出处:《烟台大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2016年05期

[Abstract]:In the history of thousands of years, the development and formation of the Silk Road was gradually realized from small scope to large area, from low level to high level.The development and development of Western Asia, West Asia, South Asia and Central Asia is its origin.The development of European segment and its connection with West Asia, Central Asia and South Asia are its embryonic stage.The operation of the Western regions in the Han Dynasty and Zhang Qian's access to the Western regions contributed to the formation and opening of the Silk Road.The ancient Silk Road existed for a long time and operated effectively.First, the countries along the road, mainly the initiative of the major countries along the way, business is the Silk Road opening and maintenance of the leading force.Second, the construction of traffic roads in various countries has created a practical foundation for the operation of the Silk Road, which is the most important condition for the Silk Road to operate.Third, the towns and cities all over Eurasia are the nodes of the Silk Road network and the backbone of the Silk Road operation.Fourthly, the flexibility of the Silk Road management mode, the complementarity of commodities, and the development and maintenance of the diversity of the power and purpose of the Silk Road are the important conditions for the long existence of the Silk Road.The current construction of the Silk Road economic belt is not only the heritage and promotion of the Silk Road in history, but also a new historical mission for the Silk Road, and in completely different conditions and environments, at a higher level and in a wider field.The deeper level makes it radiate new youth and vigor.In order to better construct the Silk Road Economic Belt, we should deeply understand and discuss the innovative implication of the Silk Road Economic Belt, see the new structural characteristics of the Silk Road Economic Belt, and make more efforts to gain more national identity.The construction of the Silk Road economic belt should be promoted and guided, and the advantages of all parts of the country should be brought into full play, especially the border construction of our country should be raised to a new level.The existing international and regional cooperation mechanisms should be brought into full play, and the supporting system of the Silk Road economic belt should be further improved and constructed.
【作者单位】: 兰州大学西北少数民族研究中心;


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