发布时间:2018-04-13 07:51
本文选题:骑士团 + 马耳他岛 ; 参考:《南风窗》2015年14期
【摘要】:正是什么样的力量,让马耳他骑士团的骑士们心安理得地做着坏事,硬生生把一个听起来颇具神圣色彩的骑士国,变成为"海盗国"了呢?1530年的某天,当圣约翰骑士团大团长(Grand Master)李尔·亚当代表他的数百兄弟,从西班牙国王查理五世使者手中,接过国王把"马耳他岛、戈佐岛和科米诺岛"赠给圣约翰骑士团的诏书时,激动得热泪纵横:长达7年的努力,总算有了结果。自从1523年新春老根据地罗德岛失守后,这个由欧洲贵族组成的精英军人组织,便颠沛流离,四处游荡。为了安顿下来,李尔·亚当几乎动用了所有的资源,拜访了每位有影响力的欧洲国王或者掌权贵族,乞求他们
[Abstract]:What kind of force did the knights of the order of Malta do in peace of mind, and forced a knighthood, which sounded sacred, to become a "pirate state"? one day in 1530,When Lear Adam, head of the order of St. John, on behalf of hundreds of his brothers, took over from Charles V, the Spanish king, the royal edict of "the islands of Malta, Gozo and Comino" to the order of St. John,Excited tears horizontal: as long as 7 years of hard work, finally has a result.Since the fall of Rhode Island in 1523, the elite military organization of European aristocrats has wandered around.To settle down, Lear Adam spent almost all his resources visiting every influential European king or aristocrat, begging them
【作者单位】: 北京一见智库;
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