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发布时间:2018-05-02 16:26

  本文选题:战国 + 本能寺 ; 参考:《中小企业管理与科技(下旬刊)》2015年06期

[Abstract]:Throughout the history of Japan, there have been many great people, although their lives accompanied by years of war, but their achievements are not to be ignored. There are many familiar characters, such as Yasuji Yasuji, Tokugawa, whose success can be said to be inherited and carried forward the concept of Shinji Yoda. The significance of the birth of Chief Shinji lies not only in the development of Japanese history, but also as a symbol of the history of the warring States period of Japan. After Japan experienced the turmoil of Yeiren, the whole society was bathed in the war, turbulent, and the people were living in dire straits. Determined to end the war and to unify Japan, Shinji Oda became the biggest ambitious man in this troubled time.
【作者单位】: 西安文理学院;


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