本文选题:二战 + 战俘 ; 参考:《齐齐哈尔工程学院学报》2015年02期
[Abstract]:Seventy-three years ago, the Japanese created the world-shaking Batan death March in the Philippines' Badan Peninsula. This is not accidental, it is the result of the long planned plot of the Japanese army, its deep reason lies in the dark side factor of the Japanese national character characteristic, and is another important reason for the Japanese army to make Badan's "death march" out of the purpose of revenge. Looking back on this painful history, the purpose is to warn the future, to highlight the fairness and justice of mankind, to promote the efforts of all countries to resolve international disputes through negotiation, to avoid the recurrence of war, and finally to realize the ideal state of "casting swords as ploughs".
【作者单位】: 沈阳二战盟军战俘营旧址陈列馆;
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