At the end of20th century, the increasingly frequent extreme weatherphenomena such as floods, drought, high temperature disaster attracted the attentionof all the countries in the world. Most studies show that this phenomenon was due tothe global warming caused by greenhouse gases from human activity emissions. Inview of the global characteristics of the climate problem, it’s hard to manage onlywithin the scope of each nation. As a result, under the appeal of intellectual circlesand public opinion. international cooperation on climate change became the keyselection to the world.In may1992, the UN published the ‘United Nations Framework Convention onClimate Change’. This treaty aims to manage the adverse consequences brought byglobal warming for all countries. In June, the United Nations Conference onEnvironment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro Brazil. There are154countriessigned the treaty. Since then, after two sessions of the conference of the Parties inBerlin and Geneva, the participating states recognized the need to develop a protocolto make clear how to take action as soon as possible.In the meeting of the parties to ‘United Nations Framework Convention onClimate Change’ held in Kyoto Japan1997, the ‘Kyoto Protocol’ was drawn up afterintense negotiations. This treaty built the ‘clean development mechanism’ based onthe regulation of ‘common but differentiated responsibility’. It makes creative designfor the goal of energy conservation and emission reduction so that the treaty endorsedby most members of the international community.According to the political structure of the United States, diplomatic treaties mustgo through the Senate to take effect. Before the negotiations on the Kyoto Protocol,The US Senate has shown strong opposition to this treaty. The senators declared thatsigning the treaty would cause serious harm to the economic growth of the UnitedStates On June25,1997the Senate adopted the ‘Byrd-Hagel Resolution’, which required the US government not to sign the treaties making mandatory promise onemission reduction. Therefore, there is no probability of the approval of the KyotoProtocol.The environmental issues always have good public opinion in the United States.Meanwhile, the Clinton administration takes the environmental protection asimportant areas to endeavor the domestic support and dominance of diplomatic.During the negotiations on the Kyoto Protocol, the Vice President Al Gore madepositive efforts to reach an agreement. However, In view of the attitude of the UnitedStates Senate to the treaty, the United States government didn’t submit it to the Senatefor discussion but just signed the Kyoto Protocol symbolically. The negative attitudeof the United States constitutes a damaging blow to the target set by the treaty. It alsolaid the groundwork for the United States withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol in thefuture. In addition, it created a negative example of negative to the Kyoto Protocol inthe international community.The argument about the Kyoto Protocol came from different positions and viewsof the representatives of different groups in the United States. The environmentalprotection concept of U.S. originated in the19th century urban sanitation and hygienecampaigns. After more than a century of popularization and development, Americansociety have established a common environmental awareness and many national scaleenvironmental groups. They are firm supporters of the Kyoto Protocol.Due to its unique historical and cultural traditions, the United States have formeda unique concept of value. Liberalism originate from the struggle for theindependence and protestant spirit of the early settlers together constitute thecornerstone of American values. Under its influence, some ideology in the Americanvalues become important factors affecting its foreign policy, It makes United Statesforeign policy show a distinct characteristics of idealism after the administration ofWoodrow Wilson. Meanwhile, in order to keep the leading position ofenvironmental diplomacy, the United States government was positive during thenegotiation of the Kyoto Protocol.In contrast, under the influence of pragmatism concept in American values, there were some anti-environmental groups in American society. They believed thatcommitments under the Kyoto Protocol’s mandatory cuts could have a serious impacton the US economy from an economic point of view. The goals of the Kyoto Protocolalso clashed with interest of the American manufacturing industries such aspetrochemical group. In the situation that the opponent put the Kyoto Protocol to theopposite of the US economic interests. As we can see from the discussion before andafter ‘Byrd-Hagel Resolution’ in the United States Senate. It is the opponents of theKyoto Protocol leads the views of the majority of the senators to the other sidethrough the strategy of double psychological implications.From the debate on the Kyoto Protocol in the U.S, we can see in its decentralizedpolitical system, foreign policy is the result of the collision of multi-stakeholder. Inspite of support from environmentalists and idealistic tradition of foreign affairs,eventually the United States selected economic interests as paramount considerationin the development of environmental foreign policy. This shows that characteristics ofthe economic supremacy in the US environmental foreign policy during this period.This could provide us a better understanding of the characteristics of Americanforeign policy.
美国国内围绕《京都议定书》的争论分析(1997-1998) 内容摘要4-6Abstract6-8绪论10-15第1章 《京都议定书》产生的背景及其制度安排15-21 1.1 气候变化引发的全球环境治理需求15-17 1.2 《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方会议谈判历程17-19 1.3 《京都议定书》治理环境问题之道:共同而有区别的责任19-21第2章 美国国内对《京都议定书》的争论及其影响21-27 2.1 克林顿政府对《京都议定书》的态度21-22 2.2 美国参议院对《京都议定书》的争论22-24 2.3 美国社会关于《京都议定书》的争论24-25 2.4 美国对待《京都议定书》态度造成的影响25-27第3章 美国国内对《京都议定书》争论的深层原因27-39 3.1 环保理念的因素27-30 3.1.1 美国社会环保观念的起源27-28 3.1.2 美国社会的环保组织与环保运动28-29 3.1.3 美国的环境保护立法与机构29-30 3.2 理想主义文化传统与环境外交主导权的因素30-35 3.2.1 美国理想主义传统的历史文化根源30-33 3.2.2 理想主义传统对美国外交政策的影响33-34 3.2.3 环境外交主导权的争夺34-35 3.3 经济至上理念的因素35-39 3.3.1 美国价值中的实用主义35-36 3.3.2 美国社会的反环保运动36-37 3.3.3 利益集团与两党政治的影响37-38 3.3.4 美国对《京都议定书》条约公平性的质疑38-39第4章 结论39-41参考文献41-50附录50-55作者简介及科研成果55-56致谢56